Chapter Four

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Hey everyone! What did you think of the first few chapters? did they suck? Okay whatever never mind lol. Well heres the next chapter! c: btw im so sorry if things are missspeeled or i added words that dont belong in the sentence im really sorry.  c:


*Niall's POV*

The next morning i opened my eyes a little to see what was around me. I saw that Liam was sleeping in the chair next to the couch. Louis was pretty much on top of Harry sleeping, Zayn had his head on the other end of the couch and had his legs and feet sprawled across Louis legs.

At first i looked around to find Rylie and saw she was laying on the floor right next to me. I didn't want to wake her so i just got up to go the kitchen and get some cereal. 

I pulled out the gallon of milk and started to pour it into a bowl. 

"Psst, Niall." I herd  Zayn say as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" i said putting the milk back into the fridge. 

"Listen here, lad. I know you like Rylie."

"Y- yeah i do. I always have." i told him.

"Try to spend time with her today. I'll get the boys out of the house some how, okay?"  Zayn said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah alright."  i said smiling.

I continued to eat my cereal when Liam woke up to come into the kitchen. He grabbed an apple then left to go sit back in the chair in the living area. I just waited and waited for Rylie to wake up. I just really wanted to spend time with her today. 

She probably doesn't even like me. 

What am i thinking? 

*Rylie's POV* 

I woke up to see that Niall wasn't next to me anymore. All the boys were awake when i woke up they all smiled at me.

As i got up Liam asked if i had a good sleep i told him i did and he kissed me on the forehead. 

I walked into the kitchen to find a sleepy Niall eating a bowl of cereal. 

"Good morning sleepy head." I said laughing and sitting next to him.

"Morning" He said smiling. 

I walked over to a drawer and pulled out a spoon. I stuck my spoon in Niall's cereal. Normally he would freak out but he just let me eat some. 

I was shocked. 

I got a muffin out of the fridge and Niall quickly snatched it out of my hand pretending he was going to eat it.

"Don't you dare, Niall!" I yelled trying to reach my muffin he had in his hand way up high.

"Never!" Niall said laughing.

"Give it to me, Niall please. I'm hungry!" 

Niall just took a bite of my muffin and laughing. I grabbed what was left of the muffin and put it in my mouth. 

We were both laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. I walked out of the kitchen with Niall and got stares from all the boys in the room. Zayn just wagged his eyebrows at me and i blushed. I was turning red as a cherry. 

Niall sat down on the floor and i told everyone i was going to my room to unpack things.

When i got to my new room i checked my phone and saw i had one text message from my mother...

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