Chapter Twenty Five

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HOLY SHIT BALLS. Hi everyone! I am so sorry I haven't updated. I've been so busy. Like really really really busy. But. There's always a but. Now that schools out I have a thousand times much more time to write and update. I'm so thankful for those of you who have stayed with me. I'm so glad! Thank you for almost 100 fans! I love you all so much thank youuuuu. Anyways. About the other fan fiction I was going to write... Yeah. I kinda gave up on that one so I'm sorry! No more of that.

Now. Time to enjoy chapter twenty five!

Oh and the song for this chapter is, A thousand Years by, Christina Perri. C:


*Niall's POV*

I sat alone at the back of the tour bus. I could literally feel my heart inside my chest beating a hundred times a minute. I took a slow but shaky breath. I looked down in my lap and twiddled my fingers together. Occasionally I'd bite my nails. I looked up, trying to blink away the tears. I love Rylie more than anything else in this whole world.

"God. I just, I can't do this." I whispered to myself thinking no one heard. But, someone did.

"Can't do what, mate?" Harry said walking in and sitting down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and patted slightly.

I didn't answer. I just glanced at him but then looked right back down to my fingers in my lap, to which as of right now, seemed to be pretty entertaining.

"Niall, we're all worried. We know how crazy her family is but honestly I don't think her mother would go to the extinct of killing her daughter. Her own flesh and blood." As Harry spoke I looked up at him. Locked eyes with him really. "I understand things are tough right now but think of Liam. He's pretty torn up also-"

"But I-" I interrupted my green eyed friend.

"I know. I know you love her. But Liam is blood. They're family. They grew up together. Remember? Remember Liam telling us how when he was a kid he really didn't bond with his sisters, Rylie didn't have any siblings. They were both bullied really badly in school. So all they had were each other." Harry said.

"I know, Harry. But I've never loved anyone the way I love Rylie. I can't lose her. She's my everything. I feel selfish for taking this personally. I'm sorry lad." I bite my lip.

"Hey. It's alright. I've never seen two people love each other so much before. You really are amazing for each other. But trust me." He grab my shoulder and pulled me into his side a little. "We will find her. I promise. We may be a band. But we're best friends. We work together. I love you Niall. You're my best friend. Me, you. The rest of the boys will find Rylie. If I could promise one thing. It would be that. I swear."

Harry gave me a another shoulder squeeze then left to go to the front of the bus.

Maybe eating something will take things off my mind. I huffed then got up to go to the mini fridge.

*Rylie's POV*

I've been here for three days. I'm dirty and gross. My hair is greasy, I smell bad, like really bad. I sighed to myself.

"I will get out of here." I thought.

It was dark and cold down in this basement. No light at all. Execpt for the tiny light coming from a covered up window. I can't even tell if it's night or day. The time passes really fast. i gasped. God how can I be so stupid! I could escape from that window, but how? It's up too high. How in the hell am I gonna get up there?

I looked around trying to find a chair or something to stand on. I sat on the bed mattress thingy. Quickly got up, still wearing the short little dress I was wearing when I arrived here. Still no shoes. I ran across the cold floor. My breathing being the only thing filling my ears.

I rustled around with the things in this basement. I couldn't see so I just felt around.

Shelfs. Boxes on shelfs. Tool supplies, um. Uh. I walked over a few more feet. The stairs. T-the stairs that lead to the door to the upper part of the house. I turned directly around. Walked. I put my hand up to my chest, stuck my other arm out. Washing machine and dryer.

I went left slowly, because still I couldn't see shit.

"I just need a chair or- or something. God I just nee-"' TRIP! BOOM! FALL!

"What the hell was that?" I confusedly grumbled. I propped myself up on two elbows then wiped my self off following with standing up on my two feet. I felt whatever I tripped over.

Four legs and a seat. Yes! A chair! I grabbed it dragging it right under my target escape. I stepped up reaching my arms to the cloth covering the window. I ripped it off. It was the crack of dawn, the light shining right to the ground through the window, blinding me so bad I almost fell. I squinted my eyes,

Grass, trees, land. Lots and lots of land. I brushed the dust off the window with my hand. Nothing. No other houses. I'm in the middle of no where. Fuck it, I don't care. I'm making a break for it. I used all my upper body strength to pry this window open. I felt a slice go through my right hand. Blood started streaming down my hand to my arm. I cut myself on something. I stepped down from the chair onto the floor. I held my right wrist in my left hand. I shook violently. It hurt like a mother fucker.

I need to stop the bleeding. I had the look of pain on my face. I could feel it. I ran all around. The cloth! The cloth from the window. I picked it up, I quickly wrapped it around my new fresh wound. I took my teeth and tighten the knot on my hand. I breathed heavily and slammed myself back on the bed mattress thingy. I laid down. Pulling my injured hand to my chest trying to give myself comfort.

*Liam's POV*

We've been on the road for hours. We still don't have the slightest idea as to where Rylie is but we're doing our best at trying. I went back to the cabin beds on the bus. I opened up Zayn's curtain. He was on his phone playing flappy bird. Getting frustrated with himself he glanced at me.

See, that's the thing about Zayn. When he's worried or stressed or something. He's always doing something to keep his mind accupied. He doesnt really want to think about Rylie. Quite frankly neither do I. I love her. So much. She's all I have for a family. But Zayn had the best bond with her. They were best friends. I mean, of course she's pretty close with all the boys but Zayn? He was just a little bit more closer.

"Hey." I greeted Zayn with a pat on the leg. He continued to play his game but politely answered with, "Hey Liam."

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"What are you asking me that for? The question is, are you alright?" Zayn said locking his phone and sitting up. I welcomed myself right next to him.

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm trying to be okay. I'm coming through." I looked up at him. "I guess..

I just don't understand. I-I- I just don't. She's so innocent. What would make someone want to hurt her. Physically and mentally. I just-"

Suddenly I heard Louis scrambling to the back. Along with two other stomps of feet.

Zayn and I looked at each other. Confused.

"Uh. Uh yes. I under- yes! We're trying!-" I heard Louis shouting. They came back to Zayn and I.

I stood up. Louis was on the phone, panicking. Niall and Harry right behind,

"Who's on the phone?"

There was silence.

"It's Rylie's Dad." Louis' breath was uneasy and shaky. "He's coming back soon. And...he found out about Rylie. He knows she's gone."

I gulped and my eyes went wider than china.


I'm sorry! This chapter was shit! But I know you all wanted an update! I love you. Fan, vote, and read! Remember to get everyone to read my story! I love you, byeeeee loves

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