Chapter Thirty

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*Niall's POV.*

The sun started to go down as Liam drove as fast as he could right behind the police car. My heart pounded and I felt like I couldn't breathe. We had been driving for about forty-five minutes and I was beginning to become impatient.

"Are we there yet?" I muttered.

"Niall, I don't know, Mate. I'm just following Officer Morgan." Liam said glancing at me just once.

*Rylie's POV.*

My bare feet hit the ground with each and every sprint I made. I got about forty to fifty feet away from the house when I came to a stop making my hair get in my face because of the wind. I breathed hard and looked around. I was in the middle of no where. The house was sitting on huge land, literally by it self. I looked around and only saw a rock gravel road and some woods right behind it. I didn't know where to go. But it didn't take me long to figure it out and start running again.

I ran towards the gravel road, "Shit. Fuck fuck." I said to myself while running across the gravel cutting up my feet. I ran into the grass and straight into the woods.

"Rylie!" Jeff screamed.

I looked back. And saw he was running my way. I sprinted through the woods pushing hanging limbs from trees out of my way. The only thing I heard was my own breathing, the branches cracking every time I took a step, and my heart pounding. It was starting to get darker and darker by the minute, making it harder for me too see where I was going. I heard Jeff screaming but he was still far away, but getting close. I saw this underground tunnel thing and crawled inside of it feet first back up so that my head would be facing outwards so I could see.

It was all gross and drippy inside. I wasn't wearing very much clothing and since it was becoming night time, It getting colder. My teeth chattered and I breathed hard. I sniffed in something foul and gross, I looked around and then I saw it.

a dead body, but more of a corpse. It was all decaded and bugs were around it. I let out a small horrified shriek before slapping my hand over my mouth with wide eyes. I back away from it as much as I could.

Jeff probably did this, probably didn't have enough room in that fucking closet in the basement so he had to dump her body out here inside this tiny tiny tunnel. Jeff was getting closer, I could hear him.

"You little fucking slut! Where are you?!"

I tried my best to keep my breathing quiet and calm by closing my eyes, backing up to get out of eyes view, and keeping my hand over my mouth. I let a few tears roll down my cheeks as he walked right past the tunnel. I heard his steps getting further and further away so I shakely poked my head out of the entrance.

I stepped my foot out and saw Jeff from a far distance but it was blurry. Trees and bushes in my way. I made another break for it in a different direction. By now, I didn't even know how deep I had gone into the woods.

*Niall's POV*

It's been about two hours. We raced down a long narrow road. Kind of gravelly with rocks and stuff. My heart pounded.

"We're in like the middle of no where." I stated.

I heard sirens right behind us. More cop cars and I'm pretty sure there were swat cars hurdeling in too. We finally saw a house. Sitting on a huge peace of land. The front door was wide open. Morgans car came to a holting stop in the grass in front of the house, as so did Liam. Everyone got out. Morgan pulled her gun out of her belt and swat continued to gather around the outside of the house.

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