Chapter Twenty Four

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*Lindsay's POV*

I grabbed a hold of the carpet on the floor. It looked like somebody was murder in here.

I crawled as fast as I could to get to my phone across the hall. I needed an ambulance now. I slid inside Rylie's room and tried to ignore the pain shooting through my fragile body. I saw my phone and grabbed it. I got blood on the screen and at the moment, I didn't care. I dialed 911 and my breathing was unsteady. I shook.

"911 Whats your emergency?"

"I need help. I've been shot in my arm and my legs and i'm losing to much blood and I can't move. Please. Please send help."

"Ma'am please stay calm, alright? Just breathe. Can you find anything to wrap around the wounds to stop the bleeding until help is there?" The lady asked.

"Uh.. I- I see a few shirts." I stuttered.

"Okay good. Good. Now tell me your address and your name." The lady said.

I told her the address and my name. I started to wrap my legs up tightly to stop the bleeding. I then did the same with my arm.

"O-okay. I got it." I said making one last tight knot on the shirt around my legs.

"Good. Lindsay. Okay stay calm. Help is on the way. How did you get shot?"

"This guy who has been after my bestfriend, Rylie Drowns. He- he took her. He shot me so I would stay out of his way and he took her. I've been stuck on the floor for the past hour because I can't move. I didn't see where he took her but I heard the car zoom off." I explained.

"Rylie Drowns? Liam Payne's cousin?"


"Oh dear lord. Lindsay, we will find Ms. Drowns if it's the last thing we do."

"Thank you. So much." I breathed.

About five minutes or more had past and I heard people came in.

"Hello?" A mans voice shouted.

"Up here!" I shouted back.

I heard faint voices and hustling up the stairs. Three men all started to get their doctor stuff out.

One of the guys looked at me and smiled. "We're gonna get you help, Lindsay. I promise."

I smiled back and they put me on a gurnie.

*Rylie's POV*

I felt woozy. I opened my eyes. Was I passed out? Was I asleep? I couldnt see anything barely. Just a little light coming from the afternoon sun shining through a window.

Where am I?

I was sat on the floor up against some kind of pole. The floor was cold and I got goosebumps. I was wearing a speghetti strapped short dress and no shoes.

"What?" I whispered to myself. "Where the hell am I? Why am I wearing this?"

I went to get up but I was jerked right back down by chains around my wrists. I felt the sudden urge to scream for help, yet, I still didn't have the slightest idea as to where I was at.

What happened...? I thought to myself.

"Think Rylie, Think." I said shutting my eyes.

"Lindsay! Help!"


"Max please! Let me go!"

I opened my eyes quickly. "No no no." I whispered feeling my heart race begin to quicken.

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