Chapter Twenty Six

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*Rylie's POV*

Happy 4th of July everyone! Thanks for reading. I love you all!


"Happy birthday to you!" My mom sang while dancing with a cake in her hands. My dad had the camera out, taking pictures. My mom set the cake down in front of me on the dining room table. I looked to my right seeing Liam sitting right next to me as anxious as I was.

"Happy birthday babygirl! You're the big, one - oh!" My mom cheered. Liam and I looked at each other with smiles on our faces and giggles escaping our lips.

The cake was beautiful. Rainbow colours all over. My dad, my mom, following little Liam clapped as I blew out the candles. We all ate cake and then later watched movies and ate popcorn.

Finally Liam and I raced each other upstairs into my room. We both flopped our bellies onto the bed, laughing. He rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow. I did the same so we were facing each other on my bed in the same postion. "You're ten, love." Liam stated in his hormonal british puberty voice of a twelve year old. I smiled.

"Yeah." I chuckled. "I sure I am. But yanno? I actually really can't wait until I'm eighteen. It'll be so much funner." I said with my bad childhood grammer. "Liam?"


"What do you think we'll be at in eight years? Like. What do you think we will be doing?" I rolled onto my back looking up at my ceiling.

"Well, I hope to become a singer. You know? A musician? I love music. Dad always said I had a good voice." He smirked.

I laughed. "I hope that all works out for you." I sarcastically patted his shoulder.

"Here! How about we make a deal? When you turn eighteen we can spend the whole day together! From morning to night. It'll be loads of fun! Maybe we could, like. I don't know... We could get alcohol and get drunk." Liam had a devilish grin upon his face.

"Deal." I said while tackling him to the ground. We wrestled like the immature kids we were meant to be. Liam grabbed one of my Barbie dolls and held it up high. I jumped for it but he was too tall. I pouted. "Liaammmm!" I whined. "Give her back!"

"Gotta grab her if you want her back!"

I looked him dead in the eyes then huffed. I jumped on top of my bed and snatched the doll out of my cousins hand. "Ha-ha"

Liam walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my small body. I put my arms around him also. "We have to stick together no matter what. All we have is each other. Okay?" Liam said and kissed my head. "Okay." My squeaky girly childy voice mumbled against his chest. Suddenly my dad busted in and tackled us.

"Rawr!" My dad shouted while grabbing me and Liam, throwing us over both his shoulders. I squealed, as for Liam. He had his preteen boy/man scream.

"Joshua! You put them down!" My mom smiled and laughed as my dad walked around my room while us on his shoulders.

"Uncle Josh! Uh ohhh!" Liam groaned.

"Daddy!" I squeaked. My mom chuckled. So did my dad. The whole room filled with kids voices of mine and Liam's and my mother and father laughing while my dad twirled us around.

"Mommy! Help!" I giggled. My mom tackled my dad, causing all of us to hit the ground in a big family dog pile my dad on bottom, my mom on top of him. Me on top of my mom, and Liam, of course on top of me.

"Get off leyuuummm!" I grunted. "Best! Birthday! EVER!" I laughed through grunts of pain.

I Jerked awake. It was a dream... A memory dream. My tenth birthday was amazing. I was happy as a kid.. I'm support to be with Liam from morning to night, today. I felt something welt up in my throat and I couldn't hold back the tears of pain and sorrow. I covered my face in my hands. Hiccuping while crying.

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