Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for the late update. i've been really busy! and thank you so much for reading! I HAVE FANS.


Whalee now it's time to enjoy what you've all been waiting for. c:


*Rylie's POV*

I opened my eyes and saw a ceiling and some lights. I squinted my eyes and put my head down.

Where am i?

I looked around the room and opened my eyes some more.  I saw a flat screen TV on the wall in front of me, there were wires hooked up to me in every part of my arms you couldn't see skin.

....I'm in a hospital room...

Okay, now i'm starting to panic.

I calmed myself down and layed back, trying to remember what happened.

I don't really remeber anything happening execpt the girl off of twitter holding a gun and...


Where's Niall? Where's Liam? Where's Harry, Zayn, and Louis? Where's is everyone?

I looked down and saw i was in a hospital robe. i Looked over and saw the TV remote thingy and changed the channel. I grabbed a cup of water that was sitting beside my bed and took a swig.

I was watching TV when a man with glasses, brown hair, and a white coat came in. He looked like he was maybe... 40? I don't know.

He was holding a clipboard and didn't take his eyes away from it when he walked in. He shut the door behind him and looked up at me and smiled.

"I see you're awake, Ms. Drowns" The doctor said smiling. He was british. I started thinking about my Dad.. My dad's british...

Oh shut up and listen to what the doctor has to say.

"You can call me, Rylie. No need to call me after my last name." I said sitting up and smiling at him.

He took a chair a slid it under his body and sat down.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Well considering i was shot in the back... my back hurts like hell." I chuckled.

"Well you'll be out of here in a couple of days. you just need rest. You're a very lucky girl, Rylie. We're glad that the bullet didn't go in your body that far to damage anything." He said pointing a finger at me.

"Well, i have my daughter here today and she came to help me with patients i'll be right back and she'll be in here in a minute"

"Oh, uh. wait! What was your name? I didn't catch that." I said stopping him from leaving,

"Dr. Collins. but you can call me Ryan." He said smiling then leaving.

Not more than a minute later, a girl with brown straight hair came in.

She was wearing an outfit i'd wear. Simple t-shirt with shorts and some hightops. I can tell i'm gonna like this girl.

"Hi there" She said with a sweet british accent.

"Hey" I said smiling. "So you're Dr. Collins daughter?" I asked.

"Yeah. i just thought i'd come to his work today." She said.

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