Chapter Thirty Three

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Rylie's POV**

For the past few days it's consisted of hanging out with the boys, my father, Lindsay, and Dr. Collins. Something weird happened though. My boobs have been really sore, but I'm not on my period? I only have boob soreness when I'm on my period. I don't know maybe it's nothing.

Right now I am currently sitting on a plane next to Niall, who is sleeping. We only have about an hour left until we get to Ireland to see his parents. We're staying for two days, thank god. Not that I don't love Niall's parents, I just haven't been feeling that great lately and I don't want to be somewhere I'm not familiar with for too long while feeling like shit.


"Niall, Niall wake up, sweetie." I shook his shoulder. He snorted and jerked awake screaming, "No!"

I grabbed his shoulders and giggled. "It's me you, doofus. Wake up. We're here." I kissed his head.

I got up and grabbed our luggage from the top cabin thing above our heads. Niall got up and yawned while stretching. I threw a bag at him and he made an 'umpf' noise. I smirked. "Let's go."

After grabbing all of our things and making our way off the plane with other people we got inside the airport. Niall slipped on some sunglasses and a hat trying to disguise himself from fans.

I looked around for Niall's parents. Finally I saw Maura, Bob, Greg, Theo, and Greg's wife. I never learned her name though. I waved at them and Niall was still looking around like an idiot. I slapped him in the chest with the back of my hand and pointed to his family.

"Oh!" Niall said walking toward them. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Ooohhh! Look at my baby boy!" Maura said pinching Niall's cheeks. I tried really hard not to snort of laughter.

"Mum! I am an adult. Stop it, will ya?" Niall said in a thick Irish accent. I smiled. Niall and his father engulfed each other into a big guy bear hug.

"Oooh, and look at you! Look at the beautiful, Ms. Rylie! Ooh! C'mere! Give mumma horan a hug!" Maura said excitedly while holding her arms out for me to walk into. I giggled and wrapped her into a hug. "Aw, deary. How are you?" Maura said cupping my cheeks in her hands. I pursed my lips. "Better, Ms. Horan. I'm doing better."

"Maura. Call me Maura." She smiled. "And I'm glad you're doing better. You're so brave and strong." She said and pinched my cheeks slightly.

"Mum, don't scare her off." Niall chuckled. I glared at him.

"Your mothers a lovely lady." I smiled.

Finally I said my Hello's to Niall's brother and his wife. Theo was standing behind his father grabbing onto his leg. I kneeled down and got to his level. He hid behind Greg's leg more. "And who's this?" I joked. "Come on out, sweetie."

Theo came and stood in front of me. I smiled at him. "Hi Theo."


"I haven't seen you since you were itty bitty tiny." I side taking my thumb and pointer finger together and putting a very small space between them. "This small! You were this tiny!" I said talking in a kid voice. Theo giggled. I grabbed his tummy and poked it. I put my hands under his arms and looked at Greg as if asking permission for me to pick him up. He pursed his lips and smiled at me nodding his head. I picked Theo up and put him on my hip.

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