Chapter Twenty Eight

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*Harrys POV*

I sat in Liam's house with Lindsay and Dr. Collins. It's only been a day or two since the police had came to talk with us. It's horrible knowing Rylie is out there, somewhere, suffering. It's awful.

I was seated right next to Lindsay on the couch while her father was speaking to Liam in the kitchen. Everything was quiet. She sat looking blanky in to space with both her legs up on the table under pillows, arms across her chest and chewing at her bottom lip.

I looked over nervously, putting my hand on her knee, making her slightly jump and look at me. I just smiled, to which I earned one right back.

"I'm so scared." She suddenly blurted out breaking the awkward silence.

"Of what, love?" I asked. There was a long pause, and then the expression on Lindsays face changed and her head slowly turned to look at me. Her eyes pricked with tears, her voice was a whisper and high pitched trying to hold back a loud cry, "Getting the news that my bestfriend is dead..."

She blinked and a tear rolled down her face. I shifted in my seat getting closer to her, I wrapped my arm, ever so slightly around her shoulders pulling her into me. I kissed her head. "Rylie isn't dead. She's strong. She's a fighter. Ever since the day I met her, she has always been a fighter." I rubbed Lindsays shoulder in circles with my thumb. She let out a small but quiet whale which only made me hold her tighter.

Suddenly I heard the front door open then close. Then a tired looking Niall walked into the living room greeting us behind a broken smile. His hair wasn't styled down across his forehead or up in a quiff like usual, It was all over the place. His eyes were blood shot and tired, he was wearing his sweats that he and Rylie would share all the time, he wore his 'Jack Willis" T-shirt that look wrinkly. He was a mess. I smiled at him and nodded. Lindsay smiled and reached up to hug him by snuffling away her running nose from crying.

"I'll be right back. I gotta use the loo." Niall said. I nodded as Niall made his way out of the living room, into the hall walkway of the staircase. I heard his footsteps move.

*Niall's POV*

I made my way up the stairs, my heart beating so fast and loud I could hear it. I took one look at Rylie's bedroom door that was closed and still had crime scene tape on it. I hesitated to go in. I thought as if when I opened it, I would see her laying down on her bed playing on her phone, laptop, or just simply watching the telly. But I knew that when I opened that door, she wasnt going to be anywhere in sight. I sighed and walked into the bathroom. Did my business and flushed. I look at myself in the mirror before I left.


I looked horrible.

I sighed again and rubbed a hand down my tired face. I started to form a headache so I opened up the mirror cabinet to see if maybe there was asprin or something. I searched around moving bottles and other tubed medicine aside. Then I came across something that made my knees buckle. Very in the back of cabinet, hidden. Were Rylie's blades. I froze grabbing them and putting them into my grasp. My princess doesn't deserve any kind of pain not from anyone else, let alone her self. I lifted the toilet seat and threw them violenty in, flushing them down. I huffed and opened the bathroom door, looking towards Rylie's bedroom door again.

I didn't even hesitate this time. I looked over the railing to make sure no one was watching me so I slowly crept my way to her room. Their was police tape all on the door still. I opened it and saw that nothing had been moved at all. It was still how it was before.. I sat on her bed and felt something beneath me. I reached under my bum and came upon her phone. I wonder why the investigators didn't try to look for this.

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