Chapter Twenty Seven

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*Rylie's POV*

Black. Everything black. It felt like, my brain was pounding against my skull causing a pain I couldn't even describe. My eyes were still closed. Am I dead? You know? Death doesn't sound so bad right now..

I could barely hear anything, I was laying on the floor. The floor was cold. My eyes slowly fluttered open revealing a black space. I coughed and felt not only spit, but blood too come out of my mouth. I rolled to my side raising myself up with my wobbly arms. I tried to stand but my legs felt as if they would give out if I put anymore weight on them. I felt disgusting and dirty and I want something to eat and drink.

I felt sick to my stomach, I felt something come up from my tummy to my throat. "Oh god." I groaned. Then, BAM. I threw up all over the ground. I crawled away from the vomit on the ground. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and took a deep breath. I backed up into a shelf, I shook when I grabbed onto the shelf knocking over some stuff. I finally stood up I hobbled on one leg. I reached my arms up looking for a light source when finally I found one pulling the string.

A light came on and I squinted looking around. I looked straight at the window and saw it was getting dark outside. I haven't eaten in so long and god knows how long I was out for.

I limpted around when something caught my eye. A door. But it wasnt the door that lead upstairs it was another one. It was sort of covered with a shelf that had boxes on it. My breathing was slow and unsteady as I dragged myself over there. I used all the strength I had left in me to move the boxes off the shelf, then move the shelf out of the way.

I put my hand on the door knob. Twisting and turning it. It's locked. I threw my half dead broken body on the door but it wouldn't open. I turned around frantically looking for something to knock down the door. I saw the sledge hammer that was used to nearly kill me. I grabbed it and a flash of Max coming at me with it went through my mind. I shook it off closing my eyes.

I hit the door once making a loud noise. I winced but hit the door knob a good four times before the knob broke off making a clang noise when hitting the floor. I dropped the hammer and hit my elbow on the door and it swung open. My heart was beating faster than the first time Niall kissed me.

"Niall. I miss him so much." I thought to myself. No! Stop. You're only going to upset yourself.

The little room was dark.. Until I felt up the wall for a switch. The light came on slowly. My breath hitched in my throat and I gulped tasting blood. My eyes widened at the sight of the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in my life time. I screamed and my throat hurt. It was a blood curdling scream. Bodies. So many bodies in this room. Girls. Dead bodies of girls were laying in this room. They weren't fresh. Old and gross. Most of them decomposed. There were six, maybe seven bodies.

I fell back crawling away quickly when Jeff and Max came bursting through the door.

"What's going on?!" Jeff boomed.

I looked up feeling tears prick my eyes. Max looked to the door pointing. "Dad. She found it."

"Shit." Jeff ran to the door kicking it shut pulling the shelf back in front of it and putting the boxes back on the shelf. Max looked at me and grabbed me by the under of my arms pulling me up. It hurt like hell. I was still covered in my own blood. My dress they put me in was dirty and bloody. My head hurt. My everything hurt.

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