Chapter Ten

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Helloooo! So i hope you liked chapter nine! Thanks for reading and being awesome!

Now it's time to enjoy chapter ten. :))))


*Rylie's POV*

The next morning i woke up next to a sleeping, shirtless Niall.

Did i spend the night?

eh whatever, who cares.

I was wrapped up in Niall's strong arms as he slept. I smiled and hovered over him.

I put my head down and put my lips onto his. He was still asleep so i started to pull away.

Before i could pull away Niall smiled into my kiss and pulled me right onto him.

He kissed back and then pulled away. He kissed my noes making me shut my eyes and giggle.

"Good morning, babe." Niall said with a morning voice.

oh sweet baby Jesus his morning voice has got to be the sexiest thing i have ever heard.

"Morning" I said 

He smiled and got out of bed. 

"Niall. Don't leave." I said frowning.

"I'm not, princess. I'm just getting up to put a shirt on." He chuckled.

"Please don't put a shirt on" I thought

"fine" I said out loud.

Niall walked out of his closet with a shirt on. He layed back down in bed with me and kissed my cheek over and over and over.

"Niall. what are you doing?" I asked.

"Kissing. Your. bruises." Niall said in between kisses.

"Niall i'm hungry" I said.

"I'll make you something!" Niall said.

Niall jumped out of bed and ran out of his room and went downstairs to his kitchen. I went down stairs after him. When i found him he was already cracking eggs into pan. 

I jumped up onto his island in the middle of the kitchen and sat while kicking my legs back and forth.

Niall walked over to me and i opened my legs and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He grabbed my waist and leaned into to kiss me. I kissed him back then stopped. Niall seemed upset.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked.

"Niall... last night when you told you loved me... were you just saying that or were you actually, truly meaning it...?" I asked not making eye contact with him.

Niall put his finger on my chin and raised it so i would look right at him. 

"Love, i did mean it. I wasn't just saying it. I really do love you. You're my princess." Niall pecked my lips and smiled. 

"Niall, i just don't want you saying that you love me when you don't mean it." i said.

"But i do mean it! I cross my hear that i love you." Niall spoke.

"Do you really mean it?" 

"Yes, princess... yes." 

Niall sounded really sensear. I believed him. 

"I love you too, then" I said.

I really meant it too. I wasn't just saying because he did. I was saying because i meant it.

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