Chapter Twenty One

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*Rylie's POV*

I woke up the next morning and rolled over to wrap my arms around Niall but he wasnt there. I opened my eyes a little bit wider and looked around the room. I got up and forgot I was naked. I giggled and through some underwear, a bra, Nialls sweats and my long sleeved shirt on. I sighed and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I rubbed my tired eyes and walked down stairs.

I found Niall sitting on the couch not doing anything. Just staring into blank space. I sat down next to him and he jumped a little because I guess I startled him. I sat in his lap and traced my fingers in his hair and he smiled weakly at me.

"What's wrong, Niall?"

"Just... last night..." He said and paused. "It was amazing." He chuckled that time. "And I feel like you're upset with me for letting it happen. I didn't think you were ready and I keep feeling like i pressured you into doing it."

I stroked the back of his neck along with his hair. "No babe. I was ready. I would've told you if I wasn't. I was ready to make love. If i didn't love you, you would have not had what yoy had last night and i'd still be a virgin. I love you. I did it because I love you with every ounce of my soul." I said then kissed him gently and he smiled.

He sighed and that smile of his disapeered. "Today's the day...."

"I know." I sadly said.

Niall sighed once more before pecking me on the lips and moving me off his lap to go get ready to leave for his three week tour to a couple states here pretty soon. I walked into the kitchen and helped myself to Niall's lucky charms. I laughed to myself because his cereal was so ironic.

I ate while waiting for Niall to get done with his getting ready. He always has a few things he forgets. And may I remind you

that I packed everything for him but he's just getting it ready.

"Lazy motherfucker." I smirked and mumbled under my breath while taking another bite of my cereal.

Once I was done I put the bowl in his dish washer and threw on some shoes and I threw on my coat.

I walked up stairs and I heard quiet sobs coming from Nialls room. I gently opened the door and saw Niall was completely ready to go but he was sitting in his bed crying. As soon as he saw me he wiped his eyes and sucked it up. I walked over to him and grabbed his face with both of my hands. He put his hand on top of mine that was on his cheek and his lip quivered.

"I don't wanna leave. " Niall hiccuped. "Y-you." He shut his eye to let a tear fall.

"Listen. There's been alot of crying lately and there will be no more crying because I don't want start crying again. It'll only be three weeks and then you'll be back to kiss and cuddle with m-"

"It's not that, It's just that... I can't protect you while I'm gone..."

"I'll have Lindsay and Dr. Collins. Please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I don't want you stressed out during shows so please don't worry about me. Everythings gonna be alright. Understand?" I said.

Niall shook his head and I patted his cheek real quick and I had to help him put some stuff in his trunk. We hopped into his car and off we went to my house.


Niall parked his car in my driveway and I helped him get his stuff out and bring it inside. We set his things by the door and I took my coat off and put it on the hook thingy by the door.

We heard quiet voices coming from the living room and walked in to see what they were talking about.

Lindsay, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Josh, and Dr. Collins were all sitting in my living room.

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