Chapter Thirty Six

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**Niall's POV.**

Pregnant? She's pregnant?! I knew it! I bloody knew it! What's gonna happen? Is it gonna be a boy or a girl? What will the name be? I hope I'll be a good Dad. God I hope I'll be a good Dad.

I seemed to be out of breath kinda like someone had knocked the wind right out of me when I spoke. "Y-your what?"

Rylie pursed her lips, biting on the bottom one, not making eye contact with me. "Pregnant..."

I gulped and my hands flew my hair. I ran my fingers through it while pacing around the room. Rylie sat down on the edge of the bed while I continued to have my mini panic attack. "I-I." I stuttered. Rylie didn't say anything. She remained still while staring blankly at the floor.

"Say something!"

"What do you want me to say, Niall? Sorry I got knocked up by you?!" She yelled.

"No! I mean say something... like. What are we gonna do. How are we gonna tell our families?" I said slightly calmer than the last time.

"I was expecting you to help me figure that out. That's why I told you sooner. If you were gonna ask me then I might as well of not even told you and figured this fucked up situation myself." Rylie spat.

I crossed my arms over my chest angrily. "Fucked up situation? What is that suppost to mean? Rylie, this is our child we're talking about. Not some science experiment! How could you even say it's fucked u--"

"It could be Max's baby!"

The whole room fell silent. My lips parted and my eyes widened. Max's baby? How? Did she cheated on me? No... she couldn't have. Rylie isn't like that. My princess would never. I know that for a damn fact. "What are you talking about?"

She inhaled then exhaled her words. "I-It could be... Max's... Max's baby..."

"I don't understand."

"He raped me, Niall! He fucking raped me! Do you understand that?!" Her words were like venom. She was only in pain. She was scared and I didn't blame her for screaming at me, but I didn't blame myselfnfor screaming back. My chest panged with a tight feeling. I felt like the world around me was falling apart. I promised Rylie that I'd never let anyone hurt her. I know I didn't do a good job at that when she was kidnapped and beaten again but I had no idea she was raped. Rape is crossing the line. I was suppost to keep my princess safe and I failed.

F a i l e d.

"Why didn't you ever tell me, princess?" I sat down beside her and pulled her into me. She fought the tests threatening to spill, but she was tired of crying. I could tell.

"I just... I didn't want to ever have to think about it again and I didn't want you to ever think about it and blame yourself which I know you're probably doing right now as we speak. I just wanted to put it behind me and act like it didn't happen. Plus, why tell someone now anyways? It's not like he's out and about and free. He's in jail. Locked away like he should be. With my Mom, Jeff, and Sarah."

I missed her temple. "I love you."

"I love you too."


**Rylie's POV.**

Niall had gone home later in the day while I, stayed in my room looking up birth information. How to take care of a baby information. I mean, I'm good with kids (At least I think so.) I love kids. I know the basic stuff to being a Mom but I really need to get studying if I want to be a great Mom. Better than my Mom ever was.

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