Chapter Twenty Three

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*Rylie's POV*

I squinted my eyes open and rolled over. "Uggh" I groaned.

I snapped my eyes open and sat up. That probably wasnt such a good idea. I grabbed the sides of my head and groaned again. "Ow." I squinted

I was still in the bathroom with Lindsay and she was drooling on my legs. I giggled then frowned. "Ew." I mumble.

I slipped my self away from her and stood up. I stumbled a little and grabbed onto the sink. I looked in the mirror. I was still wearing my outfit from last night and my makeup was sorta smeered all over my face. my hair was a mess and needed to take a shower.

I looked down at Lindsay who was lightly snoring. I giggled. I then got into my cabinet mirror and got out some pain killers for my head. I put the small tablet on my tongue and turned on the sink and put my hands under the water. I dipped my head down to my hands and sipped the water. I tilted my head back and swallowed. I grabbed the pain killers and put them next to Lindsay. She was gonna need them when she wakes up.

I quietly opened the bathroom door and walked out. I slipped down the hall and into my room. I yawned and ripped off all my clothes. I was wearing nothing but a bra and a pair of underwear. I put my clothes into my hamper and and grabbed my robe hanging on my bedroom door. I put my arms through the sleeves and tied the string around my waist. I grabbed my phone and blinked a couple times to make sure what I was seeing wasn't an illustion.

I had 67 missed calls, 23 texts, 13 kik messages, 8 missed skype calls, and 18 facebook messages ALL from the boys. I sighed. I opened up Liam's contact and pressed call while walking out of my room and heading down stairs.

"Rylie?!" Liam answered in 0.2 seconds.


"Oh for gods sake! I thought something had happened to you! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Is Lindsay ok? Where were you last night? Why didnt you answer your phone? I thou-" Liam stopped because I cut him off.

"I'm fine Liam! Calm your balls." I giggled walking into the kitchen. "Lindsay and I had a girls night last night. We're fine. We got home safe. Just calm down." I said.

Liam breathed in then out. "Oh thank god. Well we've been worried. Well i'll go tell the guys. You should probably call Niall later. I gotta go. By the way, the Midnight Memories music video is out and you should watch it."

"Will do, Liam" I said grabbing a bowl out of the cabinet.

"I love you. "

"I love you too." I grabbed the cereal box.

And the line went dead. I set my phone down and poured my cereal. I got the milk out of the fridge and poured it into my bowl. I put the milk back up. I got a spoon, plopped it into my bowl and walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and turned the tv on. I flipped the channels until I got to 'The Big Bang Theory'. God I loved this show. It was the episode where everyone has to team up and go on a scavenger hunt that Raj planned.

"Sheldon, why do you have a bowling ball?" Penny asked.

"We might need it!" Sheldon said.

Just then I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey" Lindsay yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Whatcha watchin?" She plopped herself down next to me.

"The Big Bang Theory." I said not removing my eyes from the telly. Lindsay nodded and sighed. She got up and walked herself into the kitchen and I heard the clank of condamens in the refridgerator door so I guessed she was looking for something to eat.

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