Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter nineteen everyone! love you!!


*Liam's POV*

Today was my day to hang out with Rylie. Niall gets her tomorrow and then we leave the day after that. It's only a three week tour to another country but we're going by flight so it wont take long at all, reallly.

I made my way to Rylie's room and stopped outside her door to listen to what she was singing along to.

It was "Circles " By: Hollywood Undead.

"I was runnin' in circles, i hurt myself just to find my purpose. Everything was so worthless, i didn't deserve this. But to me you were perfect. " Rylie sang.

I knocked on the door softly and the music along with Rylie's beautiful voice was shut off. I heard muffled foot steps coming closer to the door. When it opened i met those beautiful eyes Rylie has. When she saw me her frown went to a big smile ear to ear.

"You're coming with me today. To hang out. Just you and me. Is that ok?" I said

"Perfect. I'd love too. Hold on let me get my bag, my phone and my inhaler."

Inhaler? Rylie has asma?

"You have asma?" I asked puzzled.


"Why didn't i know about this?" I was starting to get a little hurt, angry, and irritated that she never told me but i let it slide.

"I didn't think you'd care. Not alot of my family know about it exept for my Mom and Dad. The rest of the family never comes around to see me anymore they wouldn't even know if i'm dead or alive so i would think they wouldn't want or care to know about my asma." Rylie explained.

"Does Niall know about this?" I swear to god if she says yes. "And don't be crazy! I DO CARE!"

"Yeah. BUT. He only knows because of the first you brought him over to my house and i was running around with my dog and i got out of breath so i took my inhaler right in front of him and he asked if i has asma and i said 'yes' " Rylie explained some more.

I nodded. "Ah. I see. are you ready to go now?"

"Ready as ever." She smiled.

We walked down stairs only to find Niall, Zayn, Louis, And Harry. How in the HELL did they get into my house hold?!?!

"Where are you guys going?" Niall asked.

"I'm taking Rylie out for a little bit since we leave the day after tomorrow for our tour." 

"Oh!! I'M GOING TOO!!!!" Louis shouted.

"Meh too! I'm GOIN' TER!" Harry screamed trying to sound like an old American country side man.

I laughed and looked at Rylie for her permission. She nodded and giggled. "Oh my god. Just let them come. Let the idoits come. I don't care."

"Well, I'm staying here. I have to help Niall pick something very super duper special out for R-". Zayn was cut off by Niall's hand quickly slapping right across his mouth. Niall gave Zayn a stern look.

Rylie raised her eye brows. "Give a who a "very super duper special" something to who?" Niall's eyes went wide.

Rylie rolled her eyes and walked over to the wide eyed blonde boy. She kissed him on the cheek. "Mwah. Love you. Be back later"

"Love you more" Niall blushed.

Louis and Harry skipped over to Niall and went on either side of him and kissed his cheek.  "MWAH. LOVE YOU. BE BACK LATER!!" Louis and Harry said mocking Rylie in a girly voice. Niall wiped his cheeks off.

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