Chapter Twenty Nine

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*Rylies's POV*

"What did you tell them!?" My mother spat. Running down stairs.

"I didn't tell them shit!"

My mother grabbed me by my shoulders and slapped me across my face. "Goddamn it, Rylie! Don't fucking lie to me!"

"I'm not lieing, Mom I swear! Get off me!" I said pushing her hands off my shoulders.

"Stay here. I'm sending Sarah down to watch you while I talk to Jeff."

I rolled my eyes and put my knees up to my chest. "Whatever."

She walked out and the door shut behind her. I haven't eaten an awhile. I smell. I'm gross. I miss Niall. I've only had one meal while I was here. I'm starving but I'm getting used to the feeling of my own stomach eating at myself on the inside.

"Hey bitch." Sarah said walking down and shutting the door behind her.

"Hello slut."

"Watch it." Sarah said pointing at me. I rolled my eyes.

She sat next to me on my bed. She took her phone out and started texting. I don't know why I did it, but I did. I tackled Sarah pinning her to my bed. I straddled her waist sitting.

She smiled, "Oooh. I like it rough."

"Shut the fuck up." I punched her in the nose and she screamed trying to unpin herself from beneath me. She kept screaming so I put my hand over her mouth. To which she bit me and I gasped as I felt the blood trickle down my hand.

Sarah grabbed my hair and pulled hard. I screamed out in pain as she rolled us over so that this time, she was straddling me. I kicked and pulled her hair trying to fight back as she wrapped her boney fingers around my throat, but I was too weak. I didn't have the strength. I looked around and made choking noises and she pressed harder and my vision blured slightly. I looked to the right and saw a piece of ply wood. I reached for it as Sarah pushed down harder screaming names at me.

I finally grabbed it and swung at her head as hard as I possibly could. Sarah flung to the other side of the bed. I Straddled her again and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt. She seemed slightly woozy so I'm guessing I hit her pretty hard. I brought our faces next to each other and whispered bitterly. "When they find me, I will not hesitate to make sure your pathetic slutty ass doesn't ever make foot out of jail. Do you fucking understa-"

"Hey!" I snapped my head around quickly seeing Max. "C'mon! Stop it!" He said as he ran quickly to me throwing me off of her. I hit the ground hard.

"Max. She hurt me." Sarah said wrapping her arms around her brother. I rolled my eyes and gagged slightly.

"Go up stairs." Max said pushing Sarah away. "I'll be up in a second." Sarah nodded and walked up stairs flipping me off.

Max started to walk to me and I sat up and crawled backwards, "No please. Stop. I'm sorry." I whimpered. I didn't want him to rape me again. I was so tired and weak and I felt like crying. But instead of doing that he kicked me in the face. I made an "ugh" noise and my head went back along with my body flying to the ground again. "Fuck." I muttered as I felt blood trickle out of my nose and my lip started to bleed also.

I tried to hold myself up with my arms but Max picked up the ply wood and started to swing. "No! Please! Ma-" WAAMM.

I fell to the ground feeling like I was gonna black out but I was still awake. I lay on the ground and pretended to be knocked out so Max would leave me alone and not beat me anymore.

Beaten // Niall Horan FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now