Chapter Two

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Hey guys! so heres the second chapter! Hope ya like it! c: I'm trying my best to make it really good. okay? okay. lol. c: 


*Rylie's POV*

It's now a week later. My mother has been beating me still. I was sitting in my room as she was at work just waiting for her to come home and beat me again. 

*Liam's POV*

Rylie hadn't called me in at least a week. I began to worry so i decided to call her. 

"Hello?" Rylie answered.

"RYLIE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" i asked her.

"Yes, Liam i'm fine don't worry." she chuckled

"When are you coming to live with me?!" I asked with concern

"I don't know yet, Liam I really don't -" I herd her stop talking. 

"Love, are you alright?" i asked as my heart raced. 

"Liam i have to go i love you bye" She said quickly hanging up her phone. 

I knew that her mother was home i could hear the fear in her voice.

*Rylie's POV*

I was talking to Liam on the phone as i herd my mom come home. I told him i had to go and hung up the phone. I opened up my bedroom door and walked down stairs i herd my mom yell for me to come to her as she was in the kitchen. I ran down to the kitchen as fast as i could. I entered the kitchen nervous.

"Yes Mom? What do you need." i said with a fake smile.

"Is this your mess?!" she asked pointing at a bag of opened potato chips on the counter with some chips all over it. 

Crap. I forgot to put them up today while she was gone. I started to become scared because she looked mad.

"y- yes" i answered stuttering

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO NOT MAKE A MESS IN MY HOUSE?!" She yelled bringing up her hand then slapping me across the face. I took my hand put it on my cheek holding it. I wanted to cry but i didn't want to right in front of her. I began to get angry.

"ITS MY HOUSE TOO! AND I'LL CLEAN IT UP! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO HIT ME!" it was my first time yelling back at my mom. I stood there staring at her after i yelled. Her jaw started to drop.

"Did you just back talk me?" she said. 

I went to open up my mouth to speak but my mother was already grabbing a wine glass from a cabinet and breaking it over my head. I stepped backwards and bumped into the kitchen table and tripped over a chair. i fell as my mother hovered over me hitting me, pulling my hair, hitting me in the stomach. She even punched me in the nose and my cheek. I had my hands up over my face as she grabbed something to hit me in the face with. It was a vase full of flowers that was the center peace of our kitchen table. It broke to pieces and there was blood everywhere. I was trying to get my mom off me and i scratched her. She cried out in pain calling me horrible names. I finally escaped. I crawled away but i felt her hand wrap around my ankle and i screamed. 

"MOM STOP PLEASE!" i cried out.

"COME BACK HERE!" she yelled pulling me back to her.

She hit me back so i would stop squirming. She hit me right in the spot where i had a bruise from the  handle on the sliding glass door she pushed me into last week. I yelled because it hurt she hit me right in that spot. She rolled me back over on my back and she sat with her legs straddled across my stomach i put my arms up and she grabbed them so i would move them. I wouldn't give up. She pulled my hair so i put my arms down to grab her hands away. That was a bad idea... she tricked me and started hitting me in the face.. more and more blood was coming from mouth, nose, and lips. I brought my hand up and punched her in the nose and pushed her off me. 

Beaten // Niall Horan FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now