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By all the powers of hell, Regis would have loved to have sunk in the ground. Last time he saw his ex-partner, he was an alcoholic, a lousy boy, and an idiot to add to that.

She had left him for good and never before had he blamed her for it. However, he could not say that he was happy to see her again. And then on that day of all days, the day that made him feel nervous again after so many years. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been nervous, so long has it been. This day just seemed to get worse and worse.

With his gaze lowered, Regis made his way through the crowd, especially careful not to annoy anyone unnecessarily or provoke a fight. He wasn't planning on dying today, even though death seemed like a great opportunity compared to the upcoming reunion with a former lover, that hated him with a passion.

So he made his way, slower than he had, until he finally stood at the foot of a rock. It would have been easy for him to fly up there, but he hesitated when his eyes caught a figure.

It was a woman, not particularly tall nor short. She wasn't thin nor fat, but after all those years Regis still had to admit that she was one hell of a vampire lady. She had this kind of way to walk and the way she presented herself that told everyone that she was a woman that knew her worth. She had always been sure of herself but the years seemed to have taught her that grace was more important than a good first impression.

As she stood at the edge of the rock, her eyes wandering over the crowd of vampires, Regis almost mistook her for a queen. But besides all her advantages, he also knew her flaws. That thought gave him a little confidence.

A heavy sigh left his lips before he closed his eyes and flew up to land in front of his ex-wife, a polite smile lay on his face as he bowed to greet her.

"It's been a long time since we have last met.", he muttered half sad, half annoyed.

Somehow he didn't want to look at her. The sheer thought of her eyes locking with his made him shiver.

His eyes were still lowered, he could see her shoes protruding under the hem of her red dress. Red. Everything she had ever worn had been red. Her clothes, shoes, blouses and pants. Everything had been red. Even her underwear had to be red at all times. Only the finest of rubies had ever adored her fingers.

He didn't mind at first, but as time went by and his thirst for blood increased, Regis had begun to hate this color. It reminded him of his youth, how stupid he had been, and how he would not touch a drop of blood.

Slowly he stood up again, looked up and looked into her eyes. They did not sparkle with hatred, but neither was she happy to see him.

"Regis.", her voice was as cold and loveless as ever.

"Good day, Teriana.", he smiled, not honest but polite.

She tilted her head, her eyes wandered over his body, before she looked him in the face again.

"You've changed. You're old now."

A short laugh escaped him.

"With all due respect, you are not any younger than I am. Besides, what does age matter to us? We don't need to fear the frailty that comes with old age. We are never running out if time. With ages comes experience."

"Hm, well spoken. You still know how to use words as a weapon. I've always adored that about you. But I assume you did not come to impress me with your words, Regis."

"As if I've ever had the need to impress you.", he shook his head. "No, I'm not here to enchant you with my words. I came to you because I've heard you are... quite close to the eldest."

"And what if that might be the truth?"

"If it should be than I fear I have to bother you with some questions. If you allow me."

She hesitated for a moment. With her chin raised, she strutted around him, her eyes seemed to want to see through every layer of his body. Grumpily, she twisted her mouth and let a sound be heard that was something between disgust and mockery.

God how much he hated that look on her face.

"You are not entitled to question me about the eldest.", she said suddenly in a contemplative tone.

Whenever she spoke like that, Regis knew he had to be careful what he said next. A small sigh left his lips as he shook his head and searched for words that would not make her angry.

"Listen to me for a moment, Teriana. I'm not asking you about his secret plans or if he wants to conquer the world. Gods, I couldn't care less about him as a vampire. But an answer for why he gathered all of us here isn't too much to ask for.", his words sounded harsher than he intended.

But at that moment, her arrogance was like a thorn in his eye.

She stopped, actually surprised by his sudden eruption of feelings, and raised her eyebrows.

"You and curiosity, Regis? I know you're a vampire of great intellect who values knowledge. But I didn't expect the uncertainty to drive you mad.", with a mocking grin she leaned towards him, so close that he could feel her warmth. "He's found something, Regis. To answer your question more specifically, he found something very... unusual. And he hopes his fellow species will be able to tell him exactly what it is. Because just like you, my dear ex husband, uncertainty is driving him crazy."

A delicate but amused laugh sounded as she kissed him on the tip of his nose and then vanished into black smoke.

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