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"I'm really sorry.", he apologized with a sad look on his. "I didn't want you to feel bad. Actually, this was supposed to be a nice night to cheer you up a little. I hope you're not too mad at me now."

Uncomfortable, Regis rubbed his neck as he walked between the graves, looking for a cozy place for the two of you to sit and watch the night sky.

Sighing, he sat down on a tombstone, and yet smiled sadly.

Encouragingly you smiled back, although it had hurt a lot to hear how little your company was wanted. Of curse you had not expected people to jump at you in excitement but it would have been nice to be able to stay and enjoy the night. Feeling normal would have been nice.

"It's all right. Really. I didn't expect to be welcomed with open arms.", you assured him. "But the invitation was still surprisingly good."

If you were honest with yourself, you had no knowledge about festive dinners and fine company. Until recently, you didn't even know other vampires. So, you figured it would be a good idea to learn a little from Regis, before attending the gathering. If it was possible to avoid making a fool of yourself, you would have gladly done so.

"Oh, please, don't lie to me. I don't like liars. Really, I can sense how you feel. You're unsure and hurt. Don't deny it, I'm a vampire.", he had to laugh at his own words. "Scream at me, if you must. I've experienced worse things."

His joking mood made you laugh a little. Immediately, you felt a lot better. Not fine but better than miserable.
It was strange but in this short time of knowing Regis, he kind of grown on you. He made you feel comfortable and never failed to lighten your mood. Even better, he felt like a friend. Not that you knew how that felt like, you never had a friend before. At least you did not remember.

With a light smile on your lips, you sat down next to him, letting your head rest on his broad shoulder.

"I didn't think you've experienced something more terrifying than my screaming. Trust me, I have horrible voice cracks when I'm angry.", you joked, pressing your face against his shoulder in shame.

He snorted, shaking his head.

"Oh, I've had my head chopped off, lost some legs and hands. Dettlaff once punched his hand right through me. But I'm sure your screams are going to be the worst.", the sarcasm in his voice was so heavy, it was almost disgusting.

Now, you had to laugh, tilting your head back. Strands of your (H/C) hair began to dance as you shook your head while trying not to laugh too much.

"Gods, that sounds terrible! Is he even your friend or are you considering attempt murder as a sign of friendship?"

"Oh, I am pretty sure he his my friend. And he didn't really try to murder me. He tried to murder Geralt. So I had to step in."

"Your selflessness amazes me, Regis. I hope you'll jump in front of me one day.", smirking, you looked him right in the eyes.

For a moment, you two just stared at each other.

His dark eyes shimmered strangely in the darkness of the night. Somehow it looked a little as if the light of the stars were caught in them. The expression on his face was so soft, so loving, it caused a weird feeling to grow inside of your chest.

Suddenly, you wondered how he would look at a lover, at someone he loved dearly, if he already looked at a stranger with this much care.

"Maybe one day.", he turned his eyes up to the sky.

If you wouldn't had know better, you would have guessed that he was blushing.

Was that even possible?

Regis probably was not the type of guy who had to be embarrassed or ashamed. He was intelligent and polite, but also very eager when it came to reaching his goals. He would not insult anyone but if somebody was rude, Regis would put them in their place.

To be fair, he was quite old, even for a vampire. But that did not mean he was ugly. He did have grey hair, but it suited him well. Maybe he even would have looked worse with coloured hair. He wasn't bald, which was uncommon for a vampire of his age. To be fair, he was quite pale. But as an undead person he still looked alive enough to pass as a human with a cold.

He was taller than you, not by a lot but just enough to make him look attractive. He wasn't particularly muscular nor too skinny. He had just the right amount of muscles and slimness. And he had broad shoulders. Broad enough to lean on comfortably.

If you were honest with yourself, he was quite handsome. Even your type.

That thought made you go red as well.

To have a crush on Regis... that would have been... interesting.

But, no.

Immediately you shook off those thoughts. It would have been a thing of impossibility.

Regis deserved a woman equal to him. Someone like you wouldn't have done him justice. Besides, it would have been unlikely that he would have chosen you out of all his choices. Surely, there was someone better. Someone who looked better than you, who he knew better and longer than you. Someone who was interesting. Someone who was a full-fledged vampire.

You didn't know why, but somehow the thought of Regis with someone else hurt a little.

You closed your eyes, a heavy sigh left your lips.

Regis became aware of this and saw down to you again.

"Are you all right?", he asked.

You nodded silently.

"Always.", you murmured.

He stared at you for a moment. The feeling of his eyes moving over your face created goose bumps all over your body. Then, all of a sudden, he leaned down to you and breathed a kiss onto your forehead.

"Everything's getting better. I promise."

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now