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Although vampires were always cold, being close to Regis gave you a feeling of warmth and security. With a mild smile, you snuggled closer to his chest and breathed in deeply to absorb every bit of his calming smell.

His arms were wrapped tightly around you, not allowing you to leave. If the ground would have swallowed you both, he wouldn't have let go of you.

Somehow he felt like home. You've never felt so good before. At least you couldn't remember.

Suddenly, your heart became heavy.

Would it ever be possible to remember something?

What if there was someone in the past, someone close to you?

What if there was actually someone waiting somewhere for you to come back to them?

If so, what would happen to Regis?

A bitter smile appeared on your lips.

He would go back to Teriana. Even though she was a real fury, you could tell that he still looked at her in the way one only watched their loved ones. There was still something in him that was clinging to her and refused to let go.

He still loved her.

At least a little bit.

Even a blind man would have seen it. You had to see it, too.

With a new, unpleasant feeling in your heart, you frowned and pressed your face into his chest like a child. You did not want to think about it. Right now, everything was perfect. Right now, you wanted time to stop and just remain like this forevermore. Just you and him, close to each other, cuddling.

Regis seemed to enjoy it just as much as you. A broad smile was covering his pale face, as he pressed you even closer to him and breathed a gentle kiss on your hair.

He chuckled as you looked up to him, revealing a sleepy face that was slightly redend by embarrassment.

"Warm enough?", he asked and got closer to your face.

You nodded, trying to keep your eyes open so his face wouldn't be swallowed by darkness.

How handsome he was with his grey hair and those eyes that sparkled in the dark. He must have been popular back in the day. The ladies must have fought over him.

Tilting your head, you looked at him in silence, wondering how he had looked back in the day. His hair must have been darker, brown or black perhaps. He didn't look like the type of guy who would have been able to rock blond hair. His face must have been just as pale as it was right now.

Maybe a little less wrinkled.

But nonetheless, he looked good. Very good.

If you two would have met earlier you probably wouldn't have been that interested in his looks. Age had matured him from the inside and outside equally. And that was a good thing.

Trapped in your own thoughts, you smiled at him. Your eyes were still locked with his.

He smiled back. It was such a loving, gentle smile that you could have sworn he was smiling at someone he loved dearly.

"You seem happy.", he whispered as if he was afraid that his voice would break the comfortable atmosphere of silence and closeness.

"I am.", you answered, not breaking the eye contact. "This is the first time that if feel like this."

"Like what?"

"Like... being accepted. And welcomed. You are the only person that makes me feel this way. Like I am a real person, a friend that is always welcome to visit. You're... you gave me a home, Regis. A place to be safe.", you stopped, absolutely enchanted by the sight of his smile that broaden with every word you said.

He leaned forward, the tip of his nose brushed against yours. Then he kissed your forehead, gentle and almost loving.

With a shaky sigh, you closed your eyes and leaned into the feeling of his lips pressing against your skin. Somehow, they were warm like the ones of a human and soft like freshly grown gras.

Without thinking, your hand grabbed his shirt, pulling it slightly as if to ask him to lean down to you.

He did so, no word said, no questions asked.

For a moment, you two remained like this in silence. His forehead was resting against yours, both tips of the noses brushing against each other. Wrapped in silence and shadows, no one dared to talk.

A single word would have shattered the dream that you two were wrapped in. It was almost like a warm, soft blanket that held you captive.

Restless, your eyes wandered over his face, trying to find something on it. An emotion, a hint of uncomfortableness or a reason to stop.

But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing but calmness and enjoyment.

He liked it. There was no doubt.

There was a shimmer in his eyes as he met yours again, a shimmer of desire and... love?


Silently, he asked for permission, asked if you wanted the same thing he longed for. You nodded, almost hesitantly and almost unsure. You wanted is so much that the feeling hurt you.

"May I?", he asked in a low voice, his lips were so close you could feel his hot breath.

"Yes...", you closed your eyes.

The touch of his lips was gentle. So gentle, you were unsure if he had kissed you or had changed his mind. It was like the wind stroking over the soft skin of your lips before it went of to be never seen again.

The second time he dared to get closer. Now, his lips pressed onto yours, not fully but enough to feel them.
Longingly, you pressed into the kiss, covering his lips fully with yours.

He tasted sweet, like sugar or honey. But at the same time there was the taste of wine and mint. He tasted like a garden full of herbs, like the scent of the most royal flower.

He tasted like a lost part of you. Like the part that was needed to be complete.

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now