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He had to admit that it made him a little nervous when Regis thought about Teriana's words.

If the eldest had found something, it must have been something big, something so enormously important that it should have been a concern for every other vampire. It only made Regis more nervous. His head was already buzzing with ideas when he finally joined Orianna and Dettlaff, who had settled in a quiet place in the cave.

From above, the three had the perfect view of the middle of the cave, which threatened to over-swell. It was possible that all the higher vampires of the universe had gathered at this place for this very event.

But at that moment Regis was not interested in the gathering. His mind was too busy getting angry about the past, especially about Teriana.

Why on earth had he been so stupid and sought her help?

He could have been spared her mockery. Gods, how ridiculous he felt. Even worse, he was hurt by her words. After all those years she still managed to press just the right buttons to hurt the proud and smart man that he was.

"Ah, the seeker of answers has returned.", Orianna laughed, as she noticed his return.

"Please, dear. Not now.", Regis hissed, still busy with his own thoughts.

"Oh? Sounds like somebody has had a bad talk with his ex-!"

"Orianna.", Dettlaff interrupted, polite but persistent. "Don't rub salt into old wounds. I would hate to remember you that the husbands you've once had are all either hating you with a passion or are dead."

"Well yeah.", she shrugged. "It's not my fault that they did not survive a fall from a cliff."

Regis had to laugh, as he remembered. But the memories only lightened his mood a little.

"Well...", Regis sighed. "I, indeed, would rather eat a bucket full of burning coal than have another conversation with Teriana. But that doesn't change the fact that she has passed on some information."

"We are all ears, Regis. Don't take more time than it needs.", Orianna stepped a little closer and leaned onto his shoulder. "Is he sick? Dying perhaps? Will he choose a heir?"

Dettlaff rolled his eyes, as he listened to her wild conspiracies about what might or might not happen and what the consequences would be for the species of the vampires.

"Oh please, Orianna your fantasy never fails to impress me time and time again.", he crossed his arms in front of his broad chest. "We don't get sick. Nor can we die like humans. And we don't live in a monarchy. If the eldest will vanish, for what reason so ever, the one with the biggest power will take his place. Or a war will break loose."

"Or the one that is craziest.", Orianna added while winking. "However, maybe... just eventually, we will be able to get a piece of the cake."

Immediately, Regis shook his head.

"No, no it's nothing like that. Teriana, may thunder hit her, told me that it is a little less thrilling than a war for power. She said it would be... how do I put it? This gathering is more like a call for help."

"Help? Ha!", Orianna laughed. "Why would he, out of all creatures on this earth, need help?"

"More importantly, need help with what?", Dettlaff asked.

"I'm afraid she did not tell me.", Regis frowned. "But I am just as curious as you might be."

"Oh, don't worry, my dear Regis.", Teriana appeared out of nowhere, a sweet smile on her lips and a excited spark in her eyes. "He will soon arrive. Your curiosity shall be satisfied."

She turned her head, looked at Dettlaff and Orianna and smiled. Chin raised, she looked down on the other woman, that was a little smaller than her.

Regis recalled that these two always had been like fire and oil. Orianna had always sided with him, as if he was her brother by flesh and blood. And Teriana, well, she had never sided with anyone except herself.

Sometimes Regis felt bad thinking so bad about her all the time. She had done good for him. They once had had good times together, they had laughed and joked around.

But somehow those bright moments had turned into hatred and bitterness.

Or maybe he had aged enough to see that she wasn't as great as she had made him believe.

"Teri, how nice to see you again.", Orianna clearly did not speak the words with honesty.

But Teriana decided to make the best of it and returned the poison. After all, she knew how to play with snakes. As a passionate collector of all serpents, it was her duty to know.

"Orianna.", she smiled as bright as she could. "I missed you. And your ignorance to call me by my full name. Anyways, I've overheard your little... plans, shall we say? I fear they won't work out. Especially not for a vampire like you, Orianna. You're... how do I say? Not powerful enough. And you're quite young for one of our kind."

A thin smile appeared on Orianna's face, that made Dettlaff shrug away. Regis, on the other hand knew, that he had to step in or otherwise she would rip her opponents face off. Hastily, he grabbed Orianna's hand, squeezed it and gave her a warning look.

"I doubt that our Orianna wants to be queen of all vampires. She prefers a good wine and impressive gatherings over the company of our kind.", he chose his words wisely, mixed with just the right amount of truth.

But Orianna destroyed all his plans, pulled him close and pat his shoulder.

"Indeed, his words are perfectly fitting, as always. But our Regis forgets that he might be the perfect fit.", she smiled spiteful. "He could take the eldest place before you manage to get close enough."

That took Teriana by surprise. And Regis too.

Shocked, his eyes widened, as a short sound escaped his lips like a protest. But he didn't had time to express his shock, that Orianna had caused.

Suddenly, a cold feeling crept through the cave, almost like an invisible creature that touched everyone briefly.

Teriana was the first to express the meaning of this feeling, even though everybody already knew what it meant.

"He's coming.", she gasped. "The eldest is here."

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