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The illusion dragged him though a labyrinth of caves and walls until they had reached one cave that seemed familiar. Interested, Regis raised his head, even though it hurt like hell and dared to look around.

It was the lab that he had discovered decades ago. But it had changed. There were more glass containers that held strange creatures captive, while they were sleeping inside of strange liquid.

He had found you in one of those things. But he had never dared to free you. Too big was the fear that you might die. He couldn't have bared the pain to loose a face as beautiful and peaceful as yours. You had looked like an angle, sleeping like this inside the liquid, floating around in your prison if glass.

Now that he had discovered a little more about the cave, he wished he had freed you the very first day. Maybe it would have been possible to run away with you. Maybe you two would have been able to escape.

But no, that was just wishful thinking.

But still. Regis felt bad for leaving you in this cave for so long. He even felt worse about the fact that he had lied to you for so long.

A deep sight escaped his lips, as your face crossed his mind.

Where were you at the moment?

Had you returned to the eldest to take the blame upon yourself?

Or were you angry enough to try and run away?

Perhaps, you were already gone and all his pain had been for nothing.

"Stay silent. The master doesn't like loud prisoners.", the illusion said, forcing him to shut his mouth again.


For sure, he wasn't a free man anymore but the actual person, the master of this illusion, had no need to take Regis as a prisoner. He had no special abilities, at least not in this cave, that would have been of importance to somebody. He didn't discover any secrets nor had he stolen something if importance. After all, Regis was just an ordinary man who had gotten lost in this cave.

So why the special interest?

Why was he still alive?

It must have meant that his life had somehow use to the master of this laboratory. But by all means, Regis couldn't tell what that worth was supposed to be.

The illusion carried him further into the lab, down some stairs and threw him onto a hole that was locked with some bars.

Hurt but also glad that the magic had worn off, Regis rubbed the back of his head with a deep sigh. Driven by curiosity, he stretched his neck and tried to see where the illusion was going but a huge bookshelf and some glass containers blocked the view.

"Dammit...", he mumbled and settled onto the thin mattress that was laying on the floor.

Somehow, it had a string smell. And he even knew that smell.

Puzzled, he picked up the thin blanket, raised it to his rise and inhaled the strange yet familiar scent.

"(Y/N).", he sighed, closing his eyes to enjoy the smell that he loved so much. "But why is this here? I haven found it in the other lab. Perhaps... is this the place you were made? Oh my love... how was I so blind?"

Suddenly, sorrow rose in his chest. He should have freed you that very day. Everything would have been alright and this day would have never happened.

What a fool he had been, running away, thinking it was for the greater cause. It would have been better to flee together, far far away from the borders of Toussaint.

Lost in thoughts, Regis held the blanket pressed to his chest. In the corner of his eyes, he was able to sense a movement.

Immediately, he turned his head, only to look at the man that had cause him all this pain.

"You.", the man said, clearly displeased. "I know your smell. You've been here before. You stole something from me."

With anger on his face, Regis rose. He was taller than the man even though he was a vampire too. His hands grabbed the bars, squeezing them as tight as possible.

"Where is (Y/N)?", he asked in a loud voice.

Surprised, the man raised an eyebrow.

"Strange. I would have expected you to ask who I am. Or what this laboratory is all about. But fair enough. I also prefer to talk about my biggest success.", he grinned coldly.

"Biggest... success..? What do you mean?"

"A crossbreed, made from human and vampire DNA. A miracle of science. I have spent many years of research trying to create a being like this. Too much vampire to not be protected by the ancient laws. But too much human to be bond by them. A perfect fit for a revolution."

Shocked, Regis stepped back.


"Indeed. I will be king one day. Your king. And anyone who refuses to obey will die."

"You made (Y/N) to kill us? To betray your own kind?"

Unmoved by this words, the man shrugged.

"To start a revolution it needs a lot more than just one crossbreed. The plan had been to capture more humans and try to create more. (Y/N) was supposed to help me find fitting humans, since I would be killed by the eldest right away, as soon as I set foot outside this cave. Right now, my magic keeps him at bay. But the plan failed. It seemed that my preparations went wrong. Memories where lost and a deep slumber captured the body. If I'm not mistaken (Y/N) has been sleeping for about seventy years until the eldest discovered the secret."

Trying to understand everything, Regis frowned.

"(Y/N) would never do such a thing. It's too cruel of someone this kind and innocent."

That made the man laugh.

"Oh, trust me my precious experiment is a lot more cruel than you think. There is a lot hidden unter this sweet surface. But for now, you shall believe what you want. I will send (Y/N) to you, when the end is near. Until then, have a good rest, vampire."

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now