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For a few moments, nothing happened.

Silence spread through the cave, even the vermin seemed to have retreated into the most twisted corners. Only the sound of water dripping from the ceiling and smashing on the floor was heard.

Regis could hear his own breath, which was strange, because vampires breathed so little that they couldn't actually hear it themselves.

He already thought his idea had been wrong, when suddenly a sound sound like stone was breaking. It was so loud and sudden that Regis twitched, jumped back and hissed like a cat. Ready for a fight, he let his claws grow, the only thing the cave allowed him to do as a vampire.

Tense, en stared at the stature, which slowly began to get more and more cracks. Dust was emerging from the cracks, making the air hard to breath.

Then, all of a sudden, the stone stopped breaking.
For a moment it was quiet again.

Then the stature shattered, revealing a being of flesh and blood trapped in its inside.

Struck by confusion, Regis remained motionless. His eyes were starting at this thing that looked somewhat similar to the stature but with less defined proportions and a lot of broken limbs. It looked terribly crippled, as if a horse had run it over multiple times to break every healthy bone in its body possibly.

The head was way too huge for the uneven shoulders, while the legs looked elven but the arms were the ones of dwarves.

Strange screams emerged from its mouth, as it raised the huge head and looked at him with eyes that had two different sizes. It looked like a nightmare that had come to life.

"What in the name of hell..?", Regis mumbled, struck by disgust and curiosity equally.

But before he could get an answer to his question the creature stormed forward.

Struck by surprise, he remained frozen.

The creature hit him right in the guts. It was a sharp pain, with such force that he was able to feel how his organs got pressed together. The creature hit him with such a force, that he lost hold of the ground, flew backwards and hit the stone wall.

The feeling of breaking bones chased through his body.
A surprised yet hurtful gasp escaped him, as he hit the floor and remained laying for a moment.

Blood dripped down his back, sucked into the fabric of his clothes and made his vampire instincts go wild.
His back was shattered, numbness was spreading in his limbs.

But this simple injury couldn't stop a man as mighty as Regis. Especially not when he was a higher vampire.
Filled with anger, he tore his head up, the wounds on his back were already starting to heal. At least the cave couldn't suppress his regeneration. It was the key to his survival.

With a loud scream, Regis jumped up, rushed forward and dug his claws into the shoulder of the monster. Strangely muddy blood poured out of the wound, it smelled like rotten corpses and water that had not been cleaned in ages.

Disgusted, Regis jumped back, cleaning his claws on the ground to get rid of the strange liquid that was stuck to them.

The creature did not seem to be bothered. As if it had no idea what an injury was it looked at its shoulder. Blood was covering the entire crippled arm, skin was ripped open, revealing blue flesh and broken bones.

It was the most disgusting view Regis had seen in a while.
As the creature realised what this thing on its shoulder was, it ripped his head in the air, facing the enemy and screamed with such a strange, loud scream that he wanted to vomit.

With bleeding ears, he tried to keep his eyes open. He was not willing to let this thing out of sight.

But nothing could have prepared him for what came next.
Suddenly, the creature hit down on all forth, like a possessed human or a demon, and screamed even louder. Salvia was dripping out of its crocked mouth, covering the stone floor and its own hands. Screaming, it rushed forward with unexpected speed.

Regis jumped to the side, ready to cut the head from its shoulders.

But the monster was quicker and nimble. With one twirl, it faced him, reached out and hit him again. This time, it was the chest. The punch was so powerful, that he couldn't keep his balance, stumbled backwards and slid over the floor.

Sharp shards of his own ribs were digging into his lungs, making him cough blood. By the gods, he couldn't even remember the last time he had felt this much pain.

Tears filled his eyes, he could feel how the blood was filling his insides. But he couldn't retreat. He couldn't stop now.

The creature got wilder with every second. It began to scream uncontrollably, hitting the crippled fists onto the floor.

The entire cave was shaking. Cracks were already growing in the walls and Regis feared that the cave might would collapse above his head.

With his last strength, he got back on his feet. He was shaking. Either because of pain or because of fear, he wasn't quite sure himself. Never before he had encountered a thing like this. He didn't know anything about it. No weaknesses, no strengths or fears. It just seemed like a bizarr vessel of flesh that had no sense of pain or a functioning brain.

Again, the creature wanted to rush forward, but this time Regis had enough.

He screamed, forcing his claws to grow even more and jumped onto the creature. With all his remaining strength, he dug his claws into the hard flesh of its neck, crossed them and tore his arms apart.

The cut was deep, very deep. But it was not enough to separate the head from the shoulders.

Out of caution, Regis jumped from the creatures back, got some distance between him and this thing and waited.

Still screaming, the thing ran though the cave as if it had completely forgotten about him. Blood was pouring out of the wound that was covering the entire back of its neck. The strange liquid covered the floor like dirty water.

Then, all of a sudden, the creature stopped, turned to him and just collapsed.

It was the strangest sight he had ever seen.

But what did he care?

He was bleeding all over. Pain was burning in his lungs like a hellfire. Exhausted, he crawled to the stature, let himself fall to the floor and leaned against it.

"By the gods...", he coughed, blood dripped down his chin.

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