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The kiss lasted mere seconds but it felt like an eternity. And yet, it wasn't enough.

A soft whimper escaped you as he leaned back, breaking the kiss. His warm lips left a cold feeling, the feeling as if something had been lost.

For a moment, you looked at each other, his eyes were half closed, a little darker than usual. His lips were open, he was breathing calmly but a little louder than usual.

He seemed at peace.

"Regis?", you asked whispering.

You almost did not dare to say anything. Too great was the fear the dream might burst and you would be dragged back into the cold, harsh reality.

He bowed his head, kissed you again, shorter this time, and pressed you to his chest.

"Say nothing. I know it's... disadvantageous. But don't worry.", he stroked your hair. "It'll be better soon. We'll find a solution. It'll be all right."

A tired but sad smile appeared on your lips. His words were like honey. Too sweet to be true. They were like a dream, a wish that could never be fulfilled.

It was just a fantasy, but maybe one day it would be possible.

Maybe the eldest would spare you. Maybe it would be possible to live with Regis.

The thoughts of a future calmed you like a lullaby. It wrapped you with warmth, the feeling of ecstasy and calmness, until your a,ready heavy eyes fell shut and you fell asleep right there.

The sight of you sleeping so calmly in his arms made Regis smile to himself. Again, he pressed a kiss onto your forehead before he also closed his eyes and rested.

He couldn't remember the last time when he had been this much at peace. It felt like the world couldn't harm him in that moment.

Vampires didn't sleep but the way he was laying, you in his arms, and the silence made him feel tired. How he wished it would have been possible to wake up next to you first in the morning. It must have been the most stunning view. Every day would have been a great one.

But the more he thought about it the heavier his heart got.

There was no possibility to ever give you the life you truly deserved. He would have never been able to sleep next to you, to be a normal, happy couple. He would not be able to enjoy a good meal with you in the same way humans were able. Every second, he was a potential threat to you because the blood, that rushed through your veins, was the one of humans.

One wrong move, one simple little cut and he would loose his mind.

What if he would fall into ecstasy and kill you for the red gold that had once controlled his entire existence?

Fear rose in him as an even more important question was crossing his mind.

Were you able to age?

If so, he would loose you at some point in his life. He was already a couple hundred years old and still looked like a middle aged man. Regis body aged but death would never be a thing to him. He would never suffer the consequences of his age, he would never be weak or sick.

What about you?

Human diseased were no threat to a vampire but to someone who was half human?

What if you got sick?

He was quite good with human medicine but he was by far no doctor nor a magician. If you died, a world would have shattered for him. A world that he had always wanted, a world that he had hoped for when he had been dating Teriana.

Instead, he had gotten it from you without asking for it. Fate had just placed it in his hands and now he was eager to not drop it so it would shatter into a million pieces.

Hurt by the thoughts, he closed his eyes tightly.


Regis would not let it come to this. He wanted this happiness, the happiness that you gave him without demanding anything at all. But the pain that your death would cause was too much to bare. The sheer thought would have been able to kill him.

And that terrified him.

He was afraid. Not for his heart to be broken but for you.
He needed to know what was going on. His curiosity had nagged him many nights before but now that he knew that he was in your favour. Now that he knew that you would not reject his feelings. Now he had to know every important detail. Now he had to know what you were and what he had to do to keep you as long as possible.

How was he able to be such a fool?

Carefully, he placed you next to him, checking if you noticed the lack of his body under yours. But you were trapped in a deep slumber, caught by darkness and tiredness. A small grumble escaped your lips as he stroked over your cheek, gentle and carful. But you did not wake up.

Then, he kissed you. The feeling of your lips on his was like a dream. Never before had he enjoyed a kiss this much. But at the same time it was painful like a knife that buried inside his chest.

It was a longing kiss, a kiss that everyone would have titled a kiss of goodbye.

To him, it was a promise. A promise for a future. He wanted to return. He wanted to see you again. And maybe, just in his wildest dreams, he would return with a Happy End.

With a heart as heavy as stone, he got up, looked at you for the last time and vanished into the darkness.

There was a path that he had discovered long ago. Maybe it was still open. Maybe it would lead him to the answers that he needed so desperately.

The cave was calling. But it wasn't a call to come closer. It was a call to leave.

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