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Screaming, Ulez threw Regis through the ceiling, crushing through it with him and smashed him to the ground of the new cave again.

Injured, Regis gasped as the air was pressed out of his lungs. Blood was dripping out of his mouth. He wanted to breath but the sheer movement of his chest felt as if a thousand bones were stabbing him from the inside.

He wanted to get up, he wanted to fight. But the pain chained him to the ground.

Threatening, Ulez stood on top of him and pressed the soles of his shoes into Regis bleeding chest.

"I win.", he laughed. "You are nothing, vampire."

All that Regis was able to do was laugh. It hurt. But it felt so good.

"No.", he whispered. "You lost."

"Oh?! How so? You are laying on the floor, bleeding. You are beaten. I am your master now!"

"I don't think so, traitor.", a deep, scratchy voice suddenly said.

Frozen by shock, Ulez eyes widened as he recognised the voice. Suddenly, he began to shake.

"Impossible.", he whispered.

But it was too late to turn around. Out of nowhere, a hand reached forward, grabbed Ulez by the neck and pulled him back.

A loud sound of surprise mixed with fear escaped his lips, as he turned his face and looked straight into the eyes of the eldest. Suddenly, the will to live faded from his eyes. All that was left was fear. Cold, blank fear.

"You...", the eldest whispered in his strange voice. "I would have thought we would never see each other again."

A strange expression appeared on his face.

Was that a grin?

Regis had never seen the eldest smile in any kind of way. But this picture right now caused goosebumps to crawl down his spine. It was terrifying to look at.

Halfway scared, he turned his eyes away. The other half of him was already starting to drive off into darkness. He felt weak. His body was tried. The feeling of blood dripping down his skin was the inky thing that held him trapped in the world of the living.

He had lost so much blood, he could have died twice as a human. There were broken bones inside of him, that would have killed him at ease.

But his body was already starting to heal. He could feel the difference, now that he had broken through the magic of Ulez.

Finally, his mind slipped and darkness enveloped him. Finally, he was drifting off to the world of slumber.

Regis did not know how long he had slept. But as he awoke again, his body had healed.

Ulez was gone. All be could find was the smell of blood in the air.

Still a little dazzled, Regis managed to sit up straight and looked at the face of the eldest. He was hanging from the ceiling of his cave like usual.

But this time, he was bit asleep. With evil eyes, he watched over Regis as if he was a potential threat. A thin thread of blood was stuck on his mouth.

"How did you find the traitor?", the eldest asked in the language of the vampires.

Regis blinked.

"I... I did not...", his tongue felt heavy.

"Then who has?"

"The crossbreed that you have been threatening to kill."

For a moment, he stared at Regis in silence. Then, he nodded.

"I sense no lie in your words. Very well, I shall grand it life. But it must be close to me at all times. If it commits crimes by vampire law, I shall be able to kill it.", he said and wanted to disappear.

But Regis held him back.

"Wait. Hear me out eldest.", he asked.

And the eldest did.

"Speak.", he allowed.

"I wasn't present as you gave your word but our people say you once have promised a wish to the person that would bring you Ulez."

By the sound of the name, the eldest hissed.

"Do not call this traitor by a name. But you are not mistaken. I once said those words. But you shall not have the wish of that crossbreed. And the crossbreed can't demand a wish. I allowed it to live. That is wish enough."

Hesitantly, Regis looked at him.

No. That couldn't be. By the gods, if he really thought this way then his plan was ruined. Shit. No, never. He needed that wish. He needed the word of the eldest.

What was he supposed to do now?

Grabbed by fear, Regis eyes wandered through the cave, searching for something to say. Something to see that was of worth. Surprisingly, he found something.

It was a thin layer of blood that had been covering a part of the cave floor only recently ago. It was bleached, almost invisible. Only the iron smell told Regis that it had been there for sure.

"Murderer.", Regis suddenly yelled.

Angered, the eldest looked down on him.

"What?", he showed his teeth.

Maybe the next thunk would be Regis end. Maybe he would die. Maybe not.

"You killed that man. He was a traitor, yes. But his blood was still the one of a vampire.", Regis hesitated. "His life was protected through our laws as well. He was a vampire. A higher one. You were not entitled to take his life. There was no trial against him, no hunt nor anything like this. And even as the mightiest vampire in all of Toussaint, you are still bind by our laws."

With a furious expression on his face, the eldest came closer.

"You have no poof that I killed him.", he hissed.

"I smell death on you. The blood on your lips. It smells like his. Where is he now, huh?", challenging, Regis looked him right in the eyes. "I am no fool. He is not alive no more."

Hesitantly but also trapped by his anger the eldest jumped down, reached out and pressed his claws right into Regis face. But he remained unmoved. A few moments passed, then, finally, the eldest retreated.

"One wish. Your silence shall be my payment.", he said. "Speak now. But speak wisely."

"I wish to leave Toussaint. I will take the crossbreed with me. We will never return to this place."

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