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Satisfiedly Regis invited his friends into his humble home, offered Geralt something to eat, and dug out his self-made schnapps from somewhere under a table.

"Damn it, Regis, you are still burning that stuff? The last time I drank with you, the booze almost killed me.", said the Witcher.

Demonstratively, the vampire held the bottle up, raised his index finger and grinned contently.

"That just proves how good the liquor is. But come on, my old friend, that won't stop you from having a drink with me, will it? Dettlaff will love to accompany us.", Regis eagerly looked at his friend.

Dettlaff sighed, amused and at the same time impressed by Regis' art of using words as a weapon.

"If I have to...", the vampire agreed. "But just a little. Otherwise, it'll end like the last party at Orianna's."

Regis had to laugh heartenly at this memory.

"Oh, yeah, that was a party. She almost kicked us out."

"Maybe that would have been better. I've spent hours washing the chocolate out of my clothes. And for some reason there was cheese in one of my boots... I don't even remember how it got there. I don't even remember eating cheese."

Regis shrugged.

"I woke up in a barn. And it wasn't Orianna's. Or barn around the area. Or a barn in Toussaint."

The way the two vampires spoke about the party, made Geralt regret he wasn't there. He would have liked to see the face of Orianna himself, while two of her closest associates got drunk and devastated her estate like savages.

Presumably the sight had been priceless and admittedly, the witcher had already experienced a lot, but two higher, drunk vampires were still missing on his list. When he pictured this scene, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, yes, just laugh. But tomorrow you'll be the one who has a lot to complain about. I know you're a mutant, Geralt but my schnapps always got the best of you.", Regis replied, taking a big sip out of the bottle.

Then he took a deep breath, laughed briefly and passed it on to Geralt.

"This time it is particularly strong.", said the Witcher, after he had sniffed the bottle. "Are you still experimenting with the recipe? What's in it this time?"

Regis smiled.

"Oh, I just shortened the thinning process a little. It is stronger than usual, because it contains less water. You should be careful it might knock you out."

Geralt hummed offended, but took a smaller sip than he would otherwise have taken. Somehow, he feared that Regis had seriously tried to create a brew that would also make a vampire feel the effect of alcohol on the body.

In fact, the schnapps burned more than a normal schnapps would have. Even Dettlaff had to keep his mouth shut when it was his turn to have a drink.

So, cheerful, the men sat together while they emptied the bottle bit by bit. Their mood increased with each sip, until Geralt finally got the idea to play a party game.

He remembered all the great nights with Lambert and Eskel when they had been too drunk to walk but still able to use their tongues. Together they had been quite some laughter thanks to this game. In fact, Geralt was pretty sure Lambert had come up with it.

"Well, I'll tell you what, a statement. Like, I've never done this or that before. Then you will have to drink, if you have done the thing before.", Regis could hear it in his voice that he was no longer completely in control of his senses.

To be fair, the vampire himself felt kind of dizzy.

"So like a truth or dare?", Dettlaff asked, also a little disoriented.

Geralt nodded, while trying his hardest to not fall off the chair.

Regis has had participated in quite a few nights of drinking before but this night seemed different. It was especially cheerful and felt almost like a family gathering to him. However, it also had a bitter sweet taste, almost like the silence before the storm.

With a warm feeling in his chest, Regis had to grin and took a big sip out of the bottle before agreeing to the game.

"All right, Geralt. You deserve the first honor. Just out with it.", he laughed cheerful.

The alcohol had already gone to his head, the redness had spread in his face and he looked a little like a young man who had seen a lady for the first time. The Witcher had been waiting all evening for this moment, because he immediately thought of something that made Regis almost drop dead right then and there.

"Never before have I courted a lady to get her sister into bed.", Geralt grumbled and immediately took a sip of the schnapps.

How ironic of himself.

Regis had to drink too. Only Dettlaff remained pious like a lamb.

"Really, Regis? I thought you were a gentleman.", the vampire asked.

Regis blushed.

"A gentleman enjoys and dresses himself in silence.", he mumbled and rubbed his forehead in shame. It was decades ago. "I was... a little out of control."

His friends had to laugh.

"Oh that sounds like somebody was out, making vampire babies.", the laughter that shook Geralt's chest almost made him fall off the chair.

"Oh please, you should know that humans and vampires can't crossbreed."

"Uh, but, uh, I've heard a story about a vampire that fucked a goat.", Dettlaff was already laying on the table, unable to let go off the bottle. "The thing that came out was a goat with bat wings and it only fed on blood and pigs. They called it Goba."

"Uh... maybe you should stop drinking for today, big boy.", Geralt took the bottle. "I'll take care of this."

"Eh? I swear it's the truth. Besides, I'm not half as dunk as you are. I can handle more."

"No, no. Geralt is right. You should pass.", Regis pet his hand with a smile.

"Don't treat me like a child, Regis! I'm an adult higher vampire."

"And I'm an older adult higher vampire. And I say you won't get more today."

Before an argument could break loose, the laughter of the Witcher lightened the mood.

"You two act like an old married couple."

"Shut up!"

Emiel Regis x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang