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There was a noice ringing inside your ears. It was so loud and annoying that it caused a headache. The urge to vomit was stuck in your throat. Breathing was exhausting.

Was this death?

Or worse, was this still life?

A long, exhausted groan escaped your lips, as you turned to the other side and opened your eyes just a little.

Warm golden light welcomed you. It must have been candles. The warmth of a fire stroked over your cheeks, together with a soft hand.

Still blind, you raised your head.

"Regis?", you asked. "Is that you?"

The sound of his name caused tears to fill the corners your eyes. How nice it would have been with him next to you. His string arms wrapped around your torso, as he pulled you closer into a loving hug. But it wasn't Regis that was comforting you.

It was Ulez.

"You seem to be a little confused still. Who is that Regis? Did you meet him on your little adventure outside?", he asked with a strange expression on his face.

Was that jealousy?

He was holding your hand, striking it gently as if it had always been this way. As if you two had been always this close.

Still a little disoriented, you managed to sit up straight. Your head was burning like fire. Hell, fire must have hurt less than the thing that was burning inside you.

"I... he granted me shelter.", you said.

Somehow, the feeling came over you that it was not smart to tell him everything. You needed to keep the cards close to your chest. Right now, he hoped that his old companion had returned.

"Ah he must have been a human then. Speaking of wich, what do you have to report? You remember our past conversations now, do you?"

You did. To be exact, you remembered a lot. Even those things you did not want to remember.

Ulez had been breeding you like a a purebred horse. Never before had he succeeded in his experiments. Then, he had made you. It had been his only success and his most powerful one. He had taught you how to speak like a vampire and a fraction of the human language.

As you developed more and more into what he had wanted you to become, he had started to take a liking to you. His behaviour had changed over the years and eventually, he had tried to get close to you. Very close.

Indeed, you two had been lovers. But there was no love between you two. There never has been.

The memories of the past events caused a weird feeling to spread inside your chest.

Were you disgusted?

Or just... embarrassed?

Lost in thoughts, you just sat there and stared at the blanket, until he grabbed you by the shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze.

"The plan.", Ulez looked you dead in the eyes. "You remember it?"

Hesitantly, you nodded.

"I do.", you nodded.

"Tell me."

You closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"A war was supposed to happen. But you needed more people to experiment on. So you send me."

Satisfied, he nodded.

"So you do remember. Very good. Were you successful?"

"I- I fear not..."

"How so?"

"I had too little time."

Now, anger spread on his face. Unsatisfied, he frowned and let out a deep groan. The corner of his mouth twitched as if he wanted to scream but settled again.

"Too little time?!", his voice was louder than before. "You had seventy years. Seventy years of time and you did not find a single human that would fit the standards?"

Now, you frowned. His tone bothered you a lot.

"It was barely a month. Three at best!", you protested.

"That can't be! I've send you out a long time ago."

"But the eldest found me recently."

Suddenly, he stopped. His eyes got bigger while his lips twitched. The mentioning of the eldest clearly upset him.

"The eldest, you say?", he squeezed your hand.

"It hurts! Stop that!", harshly, you pulled your hand back, massaging the pain away.

"It doesn't matter if it hurts! The eldest knows about you?! How could you be so careless? We have talked about this! No one was supposed to know. My plan! My precious plan might be ruined because of your mistakes!"

Upset, you jumped up.

"I slept the entire time because of your stupid spell! I told you not to do it or else I would be knocked out for too long!", your voice was shaking, so full of anger were you.

"It was necessary. The eldest found you. Imagine you would have had all your memories back then! You would have betrayed me."

"Why would I do such a thing? You said you truest me then why were you not trusting me with my own memories? Is that war so important to you? Or are you just afraid that somebody will find you? You would never win a war against the eldest, Ulez. Especially not with all those higher vampires by his side."

"That's why we needed more humans for mutation!"

"No, YOU needed more crossbreeds to hide behind! You just wanted a shield of people in front of you. What would have happened if the eldest would have titled me unworthy of the vampire laws, hm?! I could have been dead by now!"

Tense, he glared at you. Those words were unknown to him. Never before you had spoken to him like this. In your eyes, he had always been the saint that had given you life. He had been your mentor, your perfect match.
But now, things had changed.

Your heart wasn't jumping in excitement anymore. Now, he was just another man.

Regis had taught you how a person was supposed to act. He treated you like an equal and not like an experiment. He had never expected you to act according to his wished and desires.

But Regis wasn't here right now. He couldn't side with you.

Instead, Ulez reached out and hit you right across the face.

Struck by surprise, you froze looking at him with wide eyes.

"Do not disrespect me and my studies! I have planned this for hundreds of years. You are supposed to be my most trusted person. Do you not want this anymore? Power and a place next to me? I could be a king."

"But I don't want to be next to a king who won his throne by shedding the blood of his own kind."

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now