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You couldn't help but feel a strange feeling inside your chest. It was as if something was dragging you towards this wall. Over and over again you stood before it, starring at the wet stone and listen to the sound that was coming from it.

Ulez had returned and left in a hurry again. He seemed worried, disturbed even. But he did not waste time with explanations and had disappeared again without a word. All he had taken with him was a bag full of things.

Was he fleeing?

No, that couldn't be. He had wanted to succeed with his plan as if it was for his life. He was desperate to become the king of all vampires. It was hardly an option for him to flee. Especially when the eldest would hunt him the moment he would pick up his scent.

The eldest hated Ulez, you remembered. He hated him with a passion and all the blood that was running through his veins. He had never told you the full story but you figured that Ulez and the eldest once had been close.

Then, Ulez had done something that had upset the eldest. From that moment on, Ulez was hiding. That must have been hundreds of years ago. This must have made him ancient.

Thinking of it, you were also a lot older than expected. Ulez had made you about two hundred years back. Adding the seventy years of sleep on top made you round about three hundred years old. So you must have been immortal too.

But that wasn't important. Right now, you were standing in front of that very wall. The feeling inside you had driven you towards it again. You needed to find out what it was.

Maybe it was possible to break through the stone to the other side?

Or maybe..?

No, that was unlikely. Ulez was a vampire that hated unnecessary effort. Casting an illusion on a wall wouldn't have made any sense.

Or would it?

Curious, you reached out to touch the wall. Suddenly, a sharp pain chased through your body, forcing you to rip back your hand with a loud cry of pain.

"Fuck!", you cursed, holding the hurt hand.

The tip of your fingers were burned, little lines of smoke rose in the air before your eyes.

On the other side, Regis began to scream. His voice was shaking, as he begged you to stay safe, as he hoped you would not hurt yourself. Tears were filling his eyes.

Not a single word reached your ears.

Desperate, he hit against the metal bars over and over again, hoping the sound would be a sign to you.

How could the world be so cruel, setting you right in front of his eyes yet so far out of reach?!

Alarmed by the sounds, you clenched your hands into a fist.

"So it is an illusion.", you mumbled. "But what would he..?"

Suddenly, your eyes widened in shock. There was this smell. This familiar smell of dried herbs and a rainy forest.

Could it be?

"Regis..?", you whispered, too afraid to say his name out loud.

On the other side of the barrier, Regis smiled.

"Yes.", he answered, scratching his long claws on the metal bars.

The sound, seeming to be an answer, made you realise.
Suddenly, your chest felt lighter than before. Warmth and excitement made your heart beat faster.

"Regis, is that really you?! Hold on, I will get you out.", a little lost but happy like a child, you ran to garb some things and returned to the wall. "Careful, Regis! I'll mix an explosive powder. It should be powerful enough to break the spell. Step back!"

Immediately, Regis jumped to the back of his prison, pressing his spine against the cold wet walls. Squeezing his eyes shut, he turned away, not wanting to face the explosion.

Suddenly, a loud and warm shockwave hit him, pressing him even further against the wall. Its might was so powerful, it hurt his the pale skin of his face as if fire was licking over it. Sharp rocks pressed into the soft flesh of his back. Thin strands of blood poured out. It wasn't much hurt enough to make him smell the injury himself.

Dust jumped up, filling the air and blocking his view. The sound of stone hitting the floor filled his ears, as the dust made his eyes water.

"(Y/N)?", half blind, he rushed forward, his hands stretched out towards your direction.

"I'm here!", you called. "Come to me!"

Without thinking, he followed your voice. This sweet, sweet voice of his beloved. How much he had missed hearing this voice. It must have been ages after he had heard it the last time.

Finally, he would be able to touch you again.

In the dust, his hands found yours. With a cry of excitement and happiness, he grabbed you and pulled you close to his chest. His arms locked around you as if you were the only thing he wanted to hold onto when the world came to its end.

With a night smile, you pressed your lips onto his. This kiss was like the sweetest of candy. He tasted like home.
The feeling of him being close to you again caused tears to grow in the corner of your eyes.

"Regis.", you whispered, pressing your face against his chest.

"Husch, husch...", he said, breathing a kiss onto your hair. "I kissed you, little poppy."

A laugh filled your chest. It was a happy laughter, one that only the purest of joy could make.

"I thought you left me. I thought I would never see you again."

"I would never run from you. Did you forget my promise?"

Silenced by tears, you bit your lips and shook your head.
It would have been impossible to forget his promise. It had just been easier to say that he had abandoned you. It had hurt less than other possibilities.

Happy but also afraid, you pressed yourself even tighter against him and began to cry.

"Let's leave, Regis.", you begged full of fear. "I want to go far away. This place is no good. And I don't want you to die because of me."

Sanded, he smiled mildly and stroked through the strand of your (H/C) hair.

"I know your pain, little poppy. But we still need to fix this. The eldest will let us go after this."

Sobbing, you looked up to him.

"What do you mean?"

"We need to kill Ulez. He's our golden ticket out of this mess."

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