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A laugh escaped your lips.

"You see, my mother birthed me.", your words got cut off by the lack of air.

"Are you trying to make a fool of me, creature? Humans and vampires cannot breed. But you clearly are a vampire and a human equally. Explain."

The lack of air already caused you a massive headache. It was hard to properly think, breathing was painful. It felt like fire burning inside your lungs. Tears filled your (E/C) eyes, you almost felt like death was reaching out for you.

"I... I don't know... I woke up in a lab one day... I have no memory before that day. You... you found me... you must know more than me...", it was painful to talk.

Death would have been more pleasant.

Judging by the expression on the face of the eldest, he did not buy your story. Hate burned inside his eyes as if he was looking at the worst, most disgusting thing the world could have created. He even seemed insulted by what his eyes showed him.

"I hate to believe your words. But I sense no lie in them.", his grip loosened a little. "Well... if there is no answer, then I won't waste my time. Held by death, you won't cause problems."

His hand raised, long claws scratch over the soft flesh of your cheek. One of them dogged into it, not deep but deep enough to cause the wound to bleed.

The warm feeling of blood, dripping down your throat was like an omen of death.

Scared, your eyes closed, your breath began to fasten. The heartbeat inside your chest was so fast, it hurt. Breathing hurt, the thought of what would come next hurt.

But before the long claws could separate the head from your shoulders, a loud voice suddenly interrupted.

"Stop!", Regis jumped forward and grabbed his wrist.

A shocked gasp wandered through the audience. No one would have dared to touch the eldest. No one would have dared to resist.

"Do you have a death wish, you fool?", the eldest harshly shook his hand off.

Immediately, Regis bowed, to show that he was still respecting one of the eldest and most powerful of his kind. However, he also dared to speak without waiting for permission.

"Please, eldest, you have my upmost respect. I understand if you want to eliminate the possible danger that comes from this creature.", he spoke wisely, calm and persistent. "But please, listen to what I have to say. If you kill this creature, you will kill one of us. Yes, the blood is not pure. But it is a vampire, even if not fully. Killing a vampire is forbidden by one of our most holy rules. If you break it, will you take responsibility?"

Regis had always been gifted with words. It's always been his best weapon. But at that moment he doubted his gift. Nervously, he stared at the floor, and dared not look up. Perhaps his stupidity could have cost him his life. But luck seemed to be on his side.

With a grim look, the eldest let go of your throat.

With a hard impact, you landed on the ground, a stabbing pain shot through your knees. Maybe some bones broke.

Coughing and gasping, you greedily breathed air that burned like acid in your lungs. You wish you'd died, but escaping death so narrowly didn't seem bad either.

"You speak foolishly.", the eldest hissed. "I always thought you were a smart man, not a fool, Regis. But your words are the truth. I'd kill a vampire, even if there is a human in that creature. And who am I to break our rules? However, we cannot let this... unworthy blood be spread. It needs to be locked away. We need to know more."

"I agree. But please, I know your time is precious. You wouldn't want to waste it with a hunt for answers. Experiments are time consuming. And you would need to live with in order to fully understand its mindset."

"Wise words, Regis. I assume you have a solution?"

"Indeed... let me take care of it. I will do anything to assure that this mystery will be solved. We will gain answers and access to this creatures mind. Maybe we can find physical differences. Perhaps, we will even find the quell of its existence. Someone must have created it for a reason. If we find the responsible one, we might understand.", Regus raised his eyes, but looked at you instead of the eldest. "I will take full responsibility for anything that will happen."

A gasp escaped Orianna, scared and shocked at the same time.

"Regis...", she grabbed him by the shoulder. "Are you insane? It will be the death of you."

A low hum escaped him, but it wasn't because he was unsure about his decision. It was because he feared the eldest might decline the offer.

Testing, the eldest stepped closer, so close, that Regis wanted to step back. But he was not allowed to show any weakness now. He wanted to do this.

"Are you really this much of a madman?", he asked. "One little mistake and the holy rule will not protect you any longer. You will be dead. And no one will try to revenge you."

For a moment, Regis just stood there in silent. His dark eyes stared at the eldest as if they were equals. Then, finally, he nodded.

"I am most certain about the consequences. Please, eldest. Let me take this task."

"So shall it be, fool. I will call you whenever I please. Prepare yourself to present your findings. But if you fail, I will take your head.", suddenly, he disappeared into nothing. "Now, vampires, leave my home. You are no longer welcome here."

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