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With a grimm expression in your face, you jumped forward.

But a sudden shockwave threw his back. Heat embraced you, causing the feeling of being burned alive. Afraid, you jumped back and let yourself fall onto the wet ground as little flames began to grow out of the fabric of your clothes. The hissing sound of the flames going out was filling your ears.

As quick as possible, you wanted to jump up and attack again but Ulez was quicker.

He jumped forward, grabbed you by the neck and squeezed it so hard it was difficult to breath. Surprised, you screamed, as a hit sensation began to burn through your skin. Fires was licking over your neck, causing the skin to turn red and burst open like a ripe tomato. Blood was squirting out of the open flesh, covering you and Ulez with a thin layer of red.

The pain was unbearable, causing blackness and stars to dance in front of your face. Tears filled your eyes and the feeling to vomit blood crawled up your chest. Helpless, you grabbed Ulez by the wrist, trying to break free. But your hands were weak. You were shaking because of the pain.

It did not stop. The burn continued to crawl up your throat, to the lower side of your chin and up at the right side of your face.

Puffing and crying, you tried everything imaginable to stay conscious but the sheer pain and the dark grin on the face of Ulez made it hard to not drift into the darkness.

"I told you, little experiment. This cave is my friend. You are a parasite that will be exterminated.", he hissed.

His fingers close even harder around your neck, pressing all the remaining air out of your lungs.

Your mind was dazzled already, everything was dancing before your eyes. You were already halfway across the edge. Darkness enveloped you.

But before your mind fell of the edge, a shadow emerged form the darkness, rushed forward and rammed Ulez with such a force, he smashed through a wall.

With a loud cough, you fell to the ground. Greedily, you took some deep breaths while holding one hand pressed onto the burning wound on your neck.

The flesh was burned, blood was pouring out of the cuts and broken skin. You looked like you had been shredded like ground beef.

The pain held you chained to the ground, you were barely seeing anything. But in the corner of your eyes you were able to see the person that was fighting Ulez at the moment.

Regis was fighting like a madman. He had been agile while fighting but at the moment he felt like a lightning bolt. After every hit he landed, he hit again and again and again. He was furious. At that moment the monster inside him was stronger than the man.

The dark of his eyes had turned red, he was looking more like a vampire than human. However, the cave still prevented him from using his true form. If only he would have been able to access his full potential. The fight would have lasted a few moments.

While rage was burning in his chest, Regis tried his best to stay cool headed, even though he wanted to take the head of this man for hurting you.

He hit him, buried his claws in the soft flesh of his chest and ripped it apart. He even managed to cut off an arm.
But Ulez remained unmoved. Instead of screaming in pain or jumping back, he just let everything happen. As if he did not care in the slightest.

Confused, Regis stopped and jumped back. Defensive, he raised his claws and watched.

Ulez was trembling. His shoulders were hanging, he had lowered his head. But he wasn't hurt or in pain. He was laughing. At first, Regis thought he had heard wrong. But Ulez indeed laughed.

"Do you really think this is going to end well for you and your little sweetheart?", he asked and raised his gaze.

There was madness shining in his eyes. He wasn't a thinking vampire no more. He was insane.

Suddenly, Ulez threw his shoulders back, another arm shot out of his shoulder as if it had been hiding underneath the bones. Satisfied, he stretched the arm, looked at it and nodded in approval.

Shocked, Regis jumped back even further and positioned himself in front of you for protection.

"How?!", he gasped.

Ulez grinned.

"I am the king. A common would never understand.", he grinned even wider. "Now die!"

Suddenly, Ulez jumped forward.

"Watch out, Regis!", you screamed in a sore voice.

But he was too fast. Regis wasn't able to react at the right time.

A hand wrapped around his throat, grabbing it tight. With all his might, Ulez threw him in the air, jumped after him and crashed through the ceiling.

Dust filled the air. The ceiling began to crumble.

Helplessly, you crawled over the floor, blinded by dust and pain. Rocks crashed next to you to the ground, smashing into bits and pieces.

"Regis!", you screamed.

Your voice only reached him briefly. But at the moment, he had no chance to react. Fighting Ulez was the most nerve wracking thing he had ever been part of. He was barely surviving this monster of a man.

Regis shoulder was already injured. Blood was pouring out of the many cuts and open wounds. He looked like a beaten dog. He felt worse than that.

Ulez, on the other hand, looked almost untouched. He even had the strength to grin.

Regis knew that he wouldn't be able to kill him. Not in this cave. Not with his own two hands. But someone else was able to.

With a light grin, Regis tilted his head. That confused his enemy.

"Why... are you smiling?", Ulez asked.

"Because I can end you.", Regis teased him.

"Nobody can. I am the king!", screaming at the top of his lungs, Ulez rushed forward.

Again, he grabbed Regis and threw him in the air. Again, they crashed through the ceiling.

Even more dust twirled up, filling the air. The entire cave was trembling. It would probably collapse any second.

But that was fine.

Because Regis had Ulez right were he had wanted him to be.

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