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He couldn't remember the last time he had been this type of confused. It was that unsettling confusion, that forced you to keep silent and wonder all by yourself, what was going on.

The kiss had been an accident. (Y/N) had confirmed it right away. But somehow he felt it was more than just a coincidence, the wrong movement at the wrong time.

Maybe his head was just trying to mess with him but he could have sworn that there was still the feeling of that warm kiss, that filled his lips, whenever he tried to remember what had exactly happened. It only had been a short moment, no longer than the blink of an eye. But still, it did not feel bad nor was he offended that it happened. It just made him incredibly insecure.

What if it had not been an accident?

What if it had been planned and (Y/N) had just wanted to test his patience?

What if he was interpreting too much into it?

Yeah, that was probably it. There was no way in all of the endless hells, that someone was interested in an old, beaten vampire like him. A former addict, to add to that.

No, Regis had left the stage of being desirable long ago. He was just an old, wise man, that sometimes managed to land his shot. Sometimes he was lucky to find someone who was willing to spend a night with him and sometimes he was successful because of his rank.

To be fair, he had to admit that his rank had a certain effect on some lower and higher vampires. Maybe it made him still a little attractive.

But he was sure that someone as (Y/N) had little to no interest in his powers.

A heavy sigh left his lips. He hastily shook off the thoughts, they would only cause him unnecessary headaches and problems. In the end, it had probably just been an incident, a small accident that had no bigger meaning. Not for him nor for you.

With a clear head, he returned to his reflection, which he could see in the water of a bowl, and straightened the collar of his white shirt. He didn't remember the last time he wore his good suit.

It had probably been the day he had met Terianna. The memory of that day chased a cold shiver down his spine. He would have liked to buy something new, but he hadn't thought about it and now it was too late.

Orianna was expecting his and your arrival already, probably he was even late. He was usually late, and she had always complained about it. Orianna liked punctuality, even when there was no specific time to meet.

If it was for her, her guests would have arrived at least an hour before she had invited them to come.

Regis smiled amused as he imagined how angry she would be when the two of you would arrive and how much she would explain to him that a good guest was coming always sooner than promised. It would be a long night but after she had calmed, there was a lot of fun. It was always this way.

Something was moving behind him, his inhuman senses reacted, and he glanced over his shoulder.

His eyes fell right on you.

You stood with your back to him, just pulling your sleeves over your shoulders, and suddenly you felt the feeling of being watched. You hurriedly looked over your shoulder too, for fear there might be someone you didn't know. But instead of looking at a stranger, you looked right into Regis' dark eyes.

He blushed, immediately turned away his gaze and apologized.

"I didn't mean to be rude. It was just a reflex.", he promised.

Confused, but a little insecure, you turned back and closed the buttons on your chest. Something between you two had changed, after the accidental kiss. It was like a wall between you two, that was avoiding that one of you got too close.

"I don't believe you, sir. All you wanted was to see me half naked.", you said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

However, Regis too that personally.

"I swear that was not my intention. I would never do such a thing. Not even when the target is as gorgeous as you.", he stopped, swallowing the rest of the sentence. "I mean..."

A laugh escaped you. Redness spread on the cheeks of you (S/C) face.

"I'll take that as a compliment.", wiggling your eyebrows, you turned to him and gave him a little push, to make clear that there was nothing to worry about.

"You should. Especially while wearing this... you look amazing. And the colour. It suits you very well."

"Why, thank you, sir. You don't look too bad yourself. Why did you hide this fine suite form me? It really brings out the best of you."

A thin smile appeared on his face as he listened to the compliments. That made you wonder, if he had ever received any before. It seemed impossible that a man like Regis wasn't complimented a lot. But his reaction told you, that it was something special to him.

"Shall we?", he asked, offering you his arm to hold onto.

"Always. Take the lead, my friend."

Friend. That word tasted so bitter sweet. It was nice to have someone close. But you wanted to be closer. Closer to Regis.

He did not deny it, nor did he confirm that he felt the same about you. But he did smile even broader, showing just the tip of his sharp vampire teeth.

That was answer enough.

"Let's hope Orianna won't punish us for making her wait so long.", he said while guiding you outside. "She's always so persistent about punctuality and a great start for the night."

"Oh I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Hopefully we won't ruin her perfectly planned dinner with our presence.", you smiled at him.

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