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As the group arrived at the cave of the eldest everyone was present. Every single vampire of Toussaint was present. Eyes were looking at you, heads turned and voices began to whisper.

Carefully, Regis leaned down to you and pushed the hood of his cape back.

"We don't have to do this. You can still leave. I will be by your side.", he whispered.

You shook your head.

"I want to know what he wants.", you demanded and entered the cave.

The eldest seemed little happy to see you. His shimmering eyes watched you like a demon that he wanted to kill. But he did not. Instead, he remained polite and bowed his head before you.

Struck by surprise you returned this greeting.

"My greetings, eldest.", you began to speak without his approval.

However, he let you talk.

"Greetings... child of vampire and human.", he said. "I am pleased to see you here. And your mate. Greetings, Regis."

"Greetings to you too, eldest.", Regis bowed. "May I ask the meaning of this? We have traveled far to listend to your request. What may it be that a vampire like you wants from simple people like us?"

A thin smile appeared on the eldest lips. It wasn't happy nor angry. Just a movement of his lips.

"I requested your presence to ask you about an important matter. And every single vampire shall be my witness today. The message that you two have worked together to bring me the head of the traitor has spread far and wide.", the voice of the eldest was calm and loud so that everyone was able to hear his words. "Our people have demanded a reward. Letting your mate live did not seem to pay off the debt that I am in. So I shall propose on behalf of all our kind. Child of human and vampire, you shall be granted the possibility of becoming a vampire. Fully, by blood, body and mind."

Suddenly, the cave was silent.

Unsure, you looked around, looking into different faces. There was no doubt in this room.

Regis had frozen. Shocked, his eyes were laying on you. There was this sparkle inside them. Happiness mixed with fear. He wished that you would say yes. But he feared the consequences.

Hesitantly, your lips moved. Your heart was beating like wild in your chest.

"How?", you asked.

"A vampire will share blood with you. Half of their blood in exchange for half of your blood. You will be bond to this vampire forever. If they are in danger, you will have to come to their aid. You will be in their debt for the rest of your life until you can repay it and safe that vampire with your blood.", the eldest looked at you.

Immediately, you turned to look at Regis. Your eyes met.
He nodded.

"I shall accept your offer.", you agreed.

"Without thinking?", the eldest asked.

"No. I thought about it often enough. I have no doubt. But I want to choose who I will share a bond with."

"The decision shall be yours."

Again, you looked at Regis. You wanted to make sure that he was still sure to do this.

He smiled.

"I will lend my blood.", Regis said. "If that is what you request."

A smile appeared on your face.

"I do."

The eldest nodded.

"Very well. Stretch our your arms. My hands shall place the first cut. See it as a blessing."

Obediently, you pulled up the sleeve of your shirt. Your eyes wandered through the cave as you did not want to see how the eldest cut your arm open. Everybody was watching with thrilled eyes, smiling and whispering. It seemed like a big event for the vampires.

The sharp pain of the cut let you twitch for a moment. Then, you faced the eldest again.

"Place the cuts onto each other. The blood will find its own way.", he said. "Now, I shall speak the blessing."

Carefully, you placed your arm onto Regis'. His arm was longer than yours and a bit broader. He smiled, as your eyes locked and he realised what you two were doing.
Together with the other vampires, the eldest raised his hands, a song began to fill the silence.

It was an old song, so old, that even Regis was surprised that it was still so well known. Together, the vampires blessed your creation in their mother tongue. Their voices filled the cave like water filled the ocean.

With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and let the feeling wash over you.

The blood moved inside your veins. It felt like worms below your skin. More and more blood began to pour out of the cut. While your blood was leaving your body, Regis blood entered you. It felt like receiving a piece of him. Like a piece of his live, his mind and the wisdom he had learned.

Slowly, your legs became weak. But you wanted to stand this through. As your head began to spin, things got a little more difficult.

The singing had went on for quite a while now, but the blood was still flowing. It felt like there had been more than just half of his blood. If felt like Regis entire blood was running through your veins.

Suddenly, you stumbled. Blackness was dancing before your eyes.

Regis reacted quickly and caught you. With an exhausted sigh, you let yourself fall into his arms. Blood was running down your skin.

The voices stopped.

"I'm sorry.", you whispered in a weak voice.

But Regis just smiled.

"We made it.", he whispered and pressed a kiss onto your forehead. "You will be a vampire soon."

A bright smile conquered your face.

"So... now that we share blood. Are we married?", you asked.

A laugh made his chest tremble.

"That is a different ritual."

"Maybe it will be our next adventure.", you joked, drifting off into the darkness.

"I hope so, my little poppy. Now sleep. I will be here when you awake.", he kissed your forehead. "I will be with you for all eternity now. I promise."

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now