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The next morning was as beautiful as a morning could be. Gentle light fell through the holes in the ceiling, spreading its golden glow and kissing your (S/C) with warmth.

Tired blinking you woke up from your deep slumber and turned your head a little to look around. Your eyes had to get used to the light for a moment before you could see everything properly.

"Regis?", you asked tired, the blanket slipped off your shoulders.

Surprised, you stared at the thick fabric for a moment before your tired mind realized that Regis had put you in his sleeping spot and covered you up the night before.

The thought of him caring so much for you made you blush. He was a lot more caring than you had expected him to be.

Before you stepped out of the chapel's entrance, you folded the blanket together neatly, cleaned up your mess and made sure everything was really neat again.

Even if you were involuntarily in that place, you were still Regis' guest. It would have been inappropriate to leave everything messy, so he would had been forced to clean after you.

Outside, a gentle wind blew through the green treetops and made the leaves and flowers hum a song of summer. Ravens sat in the branches, their dark eyes watching each other as you stood under their tree to greet them. One of the ravens came flying down to you, landed on your outstretched arm and let you stroke him before he flew away again.

Bees and butterflies danced in the air, took care of the many colourful flowers and fought over the Neckar they needed to survive. It smelled of fresh honey and the scent of flowers.

Curious, you wandered through the garden and gazed at the sea of colourful blossoms that stretched over the cemetery. You've never seen anything like it before, let alone smelled it. The many fragrances were unknown to your nose, but still not unpleasant. It was like a perfume that smelled like the most beautiful flowers.

Caught in a daydream, you stopped in front of one of the beds to smell a red flower.

It was neither particularly beautiful, nor particularly impressive. And its scent was nothing special either. But for some reason, you liked this flower more than the others in the garden. Maybe because it didn't smell as penetrating or because it was not as bright and colorful as the other flowers.

"Ah, I see you found my poppy. Do you like it?", Regis greeted you with a satisfied smile, bowed his head briefly and then stepped closer.

He gently touched the blossom of a flower and looked at it to make sure it was nice and healthy.

You didn't know why, but somehow he seemed particularly pleased today. Maybe because the weather was so good or because his flowers were so good. Anyway, you wished he could always be so happy.

"Poppy...", you muttered. "Is that the flower's name?"

"Oh, yes. The other flowers have names, too. This one, for example.", he pointed to a bunch of smaller flowers with blue heads. "That's not forgetting me. Actually, it's weeds. But the humans find its chaotic nature so pretty that they plant them in their gardens as decor. Or this one. These are crocus. Wild flowers, nothing for a real garden. But it grows wherever it pleases and only a few people do not like its purple blossoms. Oh, and these little things are called lilies of The Valley."

Spellbound, you remained silent and listened to the stories Regis had to tell about the many flowers. Sometimes he pointed to a plant or led you to another bed to show you more flowers. And when he told you about every flower in the bed, he showed you a new bed.

That's how it went all morning until you two got back to the bed full of poppy. There you stopped, gazed at the red heads for a moment and then sat down at the edge of the bed to enjoy the warm wind.

"Your garden is really beautiful.", you said when he settled down next to you.

"Do you think?", embarrassed he had to smile. "I hope I didn't bore you too much. Most of the people who see the flowers are dead and when someone comes by they don't care about the sight."

You shook your head.

"It's impressive how much you know, Regis. But the most impressive thing is that you planted the whole cemetery yourself. It's very nice here. You really have a good eye for flowers."

Smiling, you leaned down to a flower and took a deep breath. The smell almost made you addicted, so good it was to smell something other than dust and wet rock walls.

Suddenly a feeling chased through your body. It was like a lightning bolt that shot through your veins and spread to every corner of your body.

Wet rock walls and dust. The sound of metal, that hit a stone floor. The feeling of cold glass on your skin.

For a moment, you sat there as if frozen, eyes wide open, without daring to breath. It was as if you were suddenly petrified.

Concerned, Regis leaned down to you, but didn't dare touch you. He didn't want you to be frightened and snatch the flowers you were holding in your hand out of the ground.

"Is everything all right? (Y/N)?", he waited for a moment, then he put his hand on your shoulder.

Ripped out of your thoughts, you twitched, turned your head and looked at him.

"I- I don't think so.", you whispered. "Regis? May I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"How many caves do you know that smell like wet rock walls and dust?"

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now