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Quickly, but without running, you walk away from them to find a place where no one could see you. You jumped around a corner, ran down the long corridor and down a staircase. You stopped at a pavilion. With your back pressed against the wall you close your eyes, a deep sigh left your lips.

Why did your heart beat so wildly?

Why did it feel so bad to see Regis with her?

The two had once been husband and wife. They were familiar with each other.

So why did it feel so bad?

Over and over again, you had to rub your hands over your face to get a feeling back. Damn it, you shouldn't think that way.

Regis was just a helping hand. You had no right to claim it.

And still. It was like a stab in the chest. Maybe it would have been better to go and leave the evening alone through Regis so he could have a good time. He seemed to enjoy it.

He had earned a quiet time. But on the other hand, there was something that scared you.

Teriana had mentioned that the eldest became impatient.
If what she said was true, it would have been unwise to travel through Toussaint alone. That could've cost you your head. And even worse, it could have endangered Regis. So you had no choice but to stay close to him.

Maybe, just maybe, it would have been possible to talk to the eldest. Maybe he could show some insight and give you more time. Maybe he even knew something that might help you.

Determined, you glanced up, where the others were sitting on the terrace, chatting wildly. Nobody seemed to miss you or Regis and Teriana. So it wouldn't be noticeable if you left.

Sighing heavily, you turned away, hesitated for a moment and left.

Black smoke started to sprout out of your skin as you ran faster. The earth slipped beneath your feet and you began to fly. Now, the side of you that was a vampire, was in charge.

Adrenalin rushed through your veins, your heart slowed down. It was as if you had stepped through a door and had left the human on one side, while welcoming the vampire on the other side.

With encircles speed, the land below you rushed away, field, rivers, forests.

You did not really know the way to the cave of the eldest but the supernatural senses inside of your body knew where to go. It was like a scent, like a perfume, that led the way through.

It didn't take long until you spotted the entrance between a few trees.

With a loud impact you landed so that the eldest could hear your arrival and waited for a moment in front of the cave. Perhaps he would have responded or made threats to drive away unwanted visitors.

But everything remained silent. Somewhere in the distance an owl screamed, the sound of the wings of the insects filled the silence. This night was nice, a bit fresh, but still quiet and beautiful. Maybe you could have called this night romantic. It was a starry night, with a beautiful sky full of stars and fireflies dancing in the air.

"Well...", you murmured to yourself as the nervousness began to spread in your chest. "It's okay. He won't kill you (Y/N). Hopefully..."

You were shaking a little when you took the first step into the cave.

Immediately, you were struck by cold. The smell of wet stone rose in her nose and dust swirled up.

That moment felt strangely familiar. But it couldn't be. This place was unknown to you. However, it was impossible to deny the similarities to the foggy memories of yours.

But no...

It was impossible that this cave, out of all caves in all of Toussaint, was the one. It seemed too obvious. Too easy.

Slowly you continued walking, your eyes wandered in all directions, over the floor, the walls and the many branching paths that opened up throughout the way. With carful steps, you turned around a corner, walked a few minutes and turned again. It continued like this for a few minutes, until the way became straight.

The path to the eldest was easy to find. His power hovered in the air like a clear trail, as if a colourful cloud was floating in the air, marking the path obvious and visible. However, you didn't plan to meet the mightiest vampire of them all, but you wanted to sneak around him and go deeper into the cave.

Perhaps a secret would be lurking there that would shed some light on the darkness.

After a short walk you reach a cave inside the caves.

Carefully, you hid behind a rock, turned to the side and took a look upwards.

Upside down, the eldest hung from the ceiling, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He seemed to be asleep and did not move, but the power that his body radiated was still absolutely excessive. Perhaps he was able to sense you.

Unsure, you dared to sneak into the cave, always staying close to the walls. Your eyes were fixed on the vampire, not letting him go as if he was some sort of animal that could have awoken any second.

You had almost made it to the other side, where a hidden entrance was located. Cold air was coming out of the opening, leading you to believe that it must have lead deeper down, into the heart of the actual cave.

Maybe there was another cave located underground. At least you were able to smell water and wet stone walls.
As you were close enough, you jumped up, ripped your eyes from the eldest and ran.

But he was quick. Quicker than you.

His body was suddenly wrapped in black smoke, disappeared and reappeared right in front of your face. His glowing eyes were filled with hate and anger, as he reached out and grabbed you by the neck.

Surprised, you choked, as he lifted you into the air as if you head no weight.

"You.", the eldest hissed. "Welcome back, creature."

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