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Angrily, you bit your lips, trying to suffocate the harsh comments that were laying on you tongue.

How dare she?

What gave her the persmission to be such a bitch?

Granted, she was right. You only were an experiment to Regis but at least he treated you like a living being that had to be respected. She, on the other hand, acted as if you were just some sort of animal that could have been killed off and replaced at any given time.

She even acted as if she was the eldest right hand woman. Probably she was just one of many who wanted to make herself important and in the end was just an ordinary part of society. At least she didn't seem particularly wise or powerful, because her presence felt no different from that of Regis or Dettlaff.

Angrily, but polite, you smiled at her to show her that her words didn't hurt as much as she would have liked.

"Charming, Teriana, really lovely.", you growled. "The experiment is running outstanding, you can tell your master about it. We have reviewed our current information and will follow the less clear leads. But I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about working for results, since you are the eldest little pet."

At the word Master, she twisted her mouth in disgust.

"He is not my master. And I am no pet!", she hissed back and looked at you angry. "What are you thinking, talking to me like that?"

"Me? No, Teriana, what are you thinking? I'm no less welcome at this table than you are. So have some respect. We're all guests here. And you are most certainly not the owner of the house."

Angered, her eyes widened, she breathed in sharply, and bit her lips. The sharp edges of her teeth dug into the soft flesh of her lips and made some blood flow. She hit the table with one hand to express her anger.

Suddenly everything was quiet. It was that kind of awkward silence in which no one dared to speak or look someone in the eye.

You could hear everyone breath as flat as possible.

Regis still held your hand under the table, but now he squeezed it harder, silently asking you to stop. You didn't say a word to him, but if he hadn't been there, there would have been a fight.

You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and opened them again only when your lips formed a malicious smile.

"I'm sorry, Teriana.", you said in a sweet voice. "I didn't mean to be rude. But sometimes there... there's my genes controlling me. What do you think? Does that happen to you more often as a full-fledged vampire?"

For a moment, she stared at you without a word, her gaze could have killed. Then she snorted, raised her chin and got up from the table.

"I want to talk to Regis.", she said.

Surprised, Regis raised his gaze.

"What for?", he asked, still not letting go of your hand.

The touch had changed. If felt a lot more stiff, less soft and it had gotten colder. As if he was freezing even though a vampires body was always cold.

"Just follow me, Regis. Questions can be asked later."

Obediently, he got up from his seat. His hand slipped from yours, but it felt like he did not want to let go. His fingers tried to grab you again, but stopped as he realised that he was already too far away to make this move without being unnoticed.

His actions made you feel confused. On one hand, he was affectionate and clearly wanted to be close to you. He held your hand as if it had meant something to him. On the other hand, he did not wanted to be caught and avoided being close to you when somebody was around.

It was frustrating,  it knowing how he felt about you. It was even more frustrating that you did not clearly knew how to feel about him.

"I'll be right back.", Regis apologised.

But you did not let him go like that.

Maybe it was the anger and the urge to bring up the tension between Teriana and you. Maybe it was the cockiness, that made you act. However, you jumped from your seat, looked her straight in the eyes and smiled as broad as you could.

"Since I will probably be the subject of interest anyways, I will be joining you two.", you said and walked up to Regis, to stand by his side. "I'm sure Regis won't disagree."

"But I do!", Teriana protested.

"And I don't care. Let's go now, before the evening will be waisted. Please, Teriana, lead the way."

Teriana led Regis to a quiet place under a gazebo while she tried with all her might to ignore you. Silently, she stood with her back to him for a moment and looked into the distance, where the lights of the city lit up the night.

In the distance you could hear music, people laughed and sang songs to which everyone danced with joy.

"You're running out of time, my dear Regis.", Teriana finally said, without turning around.

Questioning, he tilted his head, looked uncertainly between you and her, before a word left his thin lips.

"I don't quite understand.", he said.

"The eldest is getting impatient. He won't give you any more time to help that thing."

Regis laughed in disbelief.

"It's only been a few days. He can't decide to kill (Y/N) after a week. Things like that need time. I am no god, I need more time. He can't just change his mind."

"He can. And he will if you don't hurry. Regis...", Teriana grabbed his hand. "I don't want you to die. You have to stay by my side. After all this time, you are still welcomed. I need your wisdom and skills. Only you can help me succeed."

She stepped closer and pressed a kiss onto his lips.

It happened so fast, Regis couldn't react. Out of shock, he froze and just let it happen.

But looking at the two kissing was like a knife to your chest. Gods, a knife to the chest would have been better than having to see this.

"Excuse me for a moment.", you whispered and turned away.

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