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He had been surprised by your question, you could see it in his eyes. But then his surprise had eased and Regis had begun to think.

Together you had traveled through Toussaint, from one cave to the next. It had taken all day, even though you two had been on the move as fast as it was possible for a vampire. But of the thousands of caves you had found and searched, none had been fitting the one you remembered. Its feeling was stuck inside your head, like the memory of home. No one ever forgot home.

Some caves had been too dry, some too wet. Still others were not big enough to house a hidden laboratory, and other caves were impossible to enter because they were flooded. There were also caves in the mountains, but they didn't have the smell you remembered so strongly.

Regis was patient with you all day, kept calm and accompanied you wherever your instincts led you. You knew the cave had to be in Toussaint, but where exactly, it was impossible to say. The memory was only a blurry feeling, not a picture, but only the smell and the feeling of moisture and dust.

When the sun was already setting and you had a look at the last cave of the duchy, you gave up the search.

Exhausted, you fell on a rock in front of the entrance of the cave and buried your face in your hands.

"I'm terribly sorry, Regis.", you sighed hard. "I didn't want to waste your time. If I would have know that this is pointless, I would have went alone. But this feeling. It was so strong. It's like I stepped through a door and recognized the place where I was born. It was like home. It was so familiar."

Again, a heavy sigh made your chest shake. You felt the urge to cry, it was so frustrating to find nothing.

Regis sat down next to you, looking up at the sky.

The first stars were already appearing, spreading a cool silver shimmer. He loved the night. It was so peaceful, yet majestic.

"I don't blame you. After all, you took the boredom from of me today.", he looked at you. "If a feeling is as strong as your was today, you should follow it. If you want to keep looking, I'll be happy to help. After all, a feeling can be a hint too. But maybe we should be more tactical next time."

"How so?"

"Well, now that I think about it, the eldest found you hidden deep inside his cave. Maybe that is where you're from. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, i didn't think of it."

A moment, you two sat there in silent, starring at the star sky.

You had seen stars before. They had always been covered under a thin layer of fog that had looked like silk. But it hadn't been cold. So the star sky you had looked at had not been located in the mountains. And not at the shore.

"I don't really remember the cave of the eldest. But it doesn't feel like home. And to be honest, I'm a little afraid to go back. What if he gets angry? He probably doesn't want to see me."

Agreeing, he nodded.

"True. But I assure you that he is just as unhappy with seeing you like he is with any other. He hates visitors. I can't really blame him. I also don't like strangers.", he smiled softly.

It seemed strange to you. Regis seemed to be a very warm and welcoming vampire. He must have loved meeting new people and making friends. You could not imagine him avoiding strangers. He rather seemed like the type of guy who would invite anyone for a cup of tea.

"You don't like People, Regis?", sceptical you raised an eyebrow. "Seems like a lie to me."

Embarrassed, he laughed, rubbing the back of his head with one hand.

"Well, I am a lot more social than Dettlaff.", he muttered.

"Ha! Yeah, I can believe that."

"Hm. He's not very social, I guess people can tell. But compared to Orianna? Oh, compared to her I am as anti social as Dettlaff. She loves crowds and big parties. I don't think a single day can go by without her being surrounded by at least a dozen people."

His description of his friend made you smile. He talked so warm and highly about her, it almost made you jealous. Maybe one day, he would talk about you in that way.

Maybe even better.

"She sounds like fun.", you said, testing your head on your knees. "Hopefully I can meet her one day and paint my own picture about her."

For a moment, he stared at you. There was a shimmer in his dark eyes, and a warm smile on his lips. His eyes suddenly moved a little bit deeper.

If you hadn't know it better you would have thought he was starring at your lips.

"You know...", he started hesitantly. "Maybe you can meet her. Perhaps even today. Come on, let me show you what a person she is."

He rose for the stone, offering you his hand. You hesitated for a moment before you accepted the invitation and put your hand in his.

The touch was surprisingly warm and soft, as one would expect from a living human and not from a vampire. His hand was bigger than yours, covering it almost completely.

With a smile, he closed his hand around yours and pulled you close to him. This move was so unexpected that you couldn't help but press against him and grab a hold on to his chest.

Immediately the redness spread on your cheeks. His body was slim but also a little muscular. You could feel how his body moved under the layers of his clothes.

"Hold on tight.", said Regis with a smirk. "This will happen very quickly."

With those words, his black smoke was spreading around your body.

Suddenly, you were caught and carried away by unnatural speed, cold hit you in the face.

With all your might, you pressed yourself against Regis, your eyes closed tightly, fearing something might hit you in the face. Then all of a sudden, everything was back to normal.

It did not last longer than a moment, maybe two. As if nothing had ever happened.

"You see. It wasn't that bad. We're already here.", he sounded satisfied. "Come on. Let me introduce you to Orianna. She will love you."

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