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He did not know how much time had passed already but it seemed to be at least a few days.

The vampire, his name was Ulez, disappeared from time to time, only to return with empty hands. Regis wasn't quite sure why he was going on strolls so often, only to return without anything of use but he thought it must have to do with the barrier and magic that filled this cave.

Maybe he was going around to make sure that there were no weak spots inside his palace of stone and glass.

Sometimes, Regis had been able to hear the voice of you. Every time he had screamed your name, had whispered for him to come to him.

But you never came. Maybe you were ignoring him or the prison he was trapped in did not allow his voice to leave. Either way, it was frustrating to be so close yet so far away from what his heart desired. He wanted to see your face so badly, it hurt him every time he tried to remember the way you smiled or how you always had looked at him.
What he would have given to see those (E/C) eyes again.

Resting his head on the wall, he sighed. His chest was filled with pain and fear.

What if he would be stuck in here forever?

What if you were truly the way Ulez had said?

No. Immediately, he shook those thought of.

You were a good person. Regis did not want to question that. He wanted to keep you in good memories. Even if you would turn out to be his doom.

As something moved in the corner of his eyes, Regis tuned his head only to jump up in surprise. Hastily, he ran towards the bars, grabbing them tightly.

"(Y/N)!", he screamed towards you.

But there was no reaction.

You were standing right across the room, you back turned towards him. You were busy with preparing something.

Ulez had not told you what the purpose of this preparation was but he had insisted that you would do it. Somehow, it made you uncomfortable working for him. Now that you remembered his rotten nature and the plan that was supposed to make him a king, you were a lot less supportive towards him.

He made you feel uncomfortable. Perhaps, he even scared you. Quite a lot even.

He loved you. That was a thing that scared you the most. He treated you like a pet, yet he wanted to be as close as possible. Almost like a lovesick human. It was strange to remember all the times you had kissed him. It was even worse to remember the times you two had shared a night together.

Somehow, your brain tied to change those memories. Every time you remembered an incident with Ulez, his face changed and instead he became Regis.


Where was he now?

Was he well?

Hopefully, the eldest would spare him. Maybe he had escaped the cave without being noticed. Maybe he was safe now, living a quiet and peaceful life in a little cabin with his very own garden full of flowers.

The air there smelled like herbs, you imagined and the sound of singing birds was keeping him awake till nightfall. Hopefully, reality was just as rosy and happy for him as you wished it to be.

A sigh escaped your lips.

If only he would have taken you with him. Maybe, just maybe, it would have been possible. Life would have been a dream. Instead, now it was a nightmare.

But you couldn't blame him. Not anymore. He deserved so much more.

Tears began to fill your eyes, as you remembered the good times he had given you. The garden of his had been like a home. It had been the first garden you had ever seen, the first lowers you had ever smelled. It had been perfect. The cemetery was a place that your heart still longed for. It wanted to go back there.

Or maybe it just wanted to return to him.

"Tsk... How romantic.", you laughed, mocking yourself. "Things don't turn out this way. All I can do is keep Ulez from succeeding with his plan. I must. Maybe I can kill him? That would solve a lot of future problems. But am I allowed to?"

Again, you had to sigh. The laws of a higher vampire did not chain you. On the other hand, the eldest might try to punish you accordingly. Killing a higher vampire as a higher vampire would mean death. But well, you did not have to loose anything else than that.

Exhausted by all those Grimm thoughts and possibilities, you turned around and leaned against the table you were working on. You let your head fall back, while closing your eyes with a deep sigh.

Why was everything so complicated?

Killing Ulez seemed like a good idea. Dying did not. Even if there would have been consequences, you wanted to stay alive. Maybe it would have been possible to see Regis again. And if it was just once.

Trapped inside the silence, your ears suddenly locked up a strange sound. It was as if metal was hitting against metal. Or better, a vampire tried to cut through something with their claws.

Confused, you looked around the cave.

"Ulez?", you called out.

No one answered. But the sound kept on disturbing the silence.

With even more confusion, you let your eyes wander through the cave one more time, following the sound. There was a wall, simple and unimportant as a wall could be. The sound came directly from it.

Was someone behind this wall?

Hesitantly, you looked around to make sure no one was watching you. Then, you moved towards the wall.

"Hello?", you asked. "Is somebody there?"

Silence. Even the sound died down.

Confused, you frowned.

What you did not see, however, was Regis on the other side of the illusion. Screaming at the top of his lungs, he threw himself against the bars of the cave, his eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm here! I am right here, (Y/N)! My love, can't you seem me?!", he voice was breaking more and more with every word he said.

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now