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If he had not know it better, Regis would have sworn that there was the sound of an active portal coming from somewhere. Torn from his slumber of exhaustion his eyes ripped open, as he raised his head and tried to see where the noice was coming from.

Everything was covered in a thin layer of white as if the fog was a piece of tulle that had lay itself over everything. It has settled deeper, resting on the floor and covered his sight like a wall.

What in the name of the gods was this thing made of?

Over time, Regis had figured that it was some kind of curse. Or a product of a curse. It did not affect him but whenever it had touched one of the statues, it had burned little holes into the stone.

To his luck, there seemed to be no more monsters hidden beneath the stone. At least not where the fog hat done some damage. Maybe there were more strange creatures captured in some of the statues. Maybe there were no further ones.

However, he had decided to keep up his caution.

Even though it was hard, Regis had managed to keep himself at a reasonable level of damage. He did not manage to break free from the trap but he figured his injuries had been a lot lighter than they could have been. The spikes had missed the most important parts, like the brain or the heart. But most of that did not matter anyways, since his power of regeneration was a mess.

Even if he would have managed to break free, it would have taken him quite a bit of time to get back to his usual self. At least as long as he was in this cave.

It was a strange place, filled with the worst types of nightmares yet blessed with a lot of mysteries and secrets to discover.

Regis would have liked it down here, if he wouldn't have been robbed of more than half his powers. And if it wouldn't have been so dangerous for you to be here.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as your face crossed his mind. That face with its (E/C) eyes and those lips that tasted like the sweetest honey he had ever tasted with his own mouth. A sad smile crossed his lips as he remembered the smell of your (H/C) hair and the feeling of your skin on his.

How he regretted leaving you this early. If only he had stayed a little longer. Maybe he would have been able to taste you longer, to press you closer to his chest. Maybe he would have been able to feel you as close as two people could feel each other.

But no. He had made a decision for your safety. He had wanted to find a solution as quick as possible. And he was still determined to achieve his goal.

He wanted the possibility of a future. With you or for you, it did not matter.

With a new boost of energy, Regis clenched his teeth, causing them to make an unpleasant sound. He tried to free his arms, starting with raising the hands so the would slip off the spikes as soon as they reached high enough.
But somehow the spikes did not let him move further than a certain amount.

It was as if there was an invisible force, pushing him down over and over again. The pain was terrible, piercing through his arms and legs whenever he moved in the slightest. Death must have been more pleasant than this.

Starting to sweat, Regis tried to break free again. And another time. And another time. But there was no chance. As soon as the escape was in reach, he got pushed back and lost his grip to freedom again.

It was like a bizarr game.

As the last remaining power in his body was used up, he let his head fall back. A deep sigh shook his chest.

The most painful thing about this was that he couldn't even return to you. He might never be able to return ever again. The sheer thought send shivers down his spine.

Maybe he would never see you again.

A loud scream of frustration left his lips. It was so loud, the entire cave was able to hear it. However, that wasn't really worth anything, since there was nobody around to help.

"Ah, I caught a rat.", a voice suddenly said.

Surprised yet alarmed, Regis tore his head up, only to look into the eyes of a man. No, it wasn't a man. There was a strange shimmer surrounding him, almost like a barrier. But instead of shielding him it seemed to be part of his body.

"An illusion?!", Regis asked more to himself.

The man nodded, visibly pleased.

"Smart man. I like that. Smart being make better testing subjects. They can help themselves, instead of me doing all the work by myself.", the illusion reached out, offering him a hand. "The name is Ulez. To your service."

Confused, Regis eyed him up and down. He seemed to be peaceful.

But how much could he trust what was going on in this cave?

He had been pierced by spikes, attacked by a strange creature and was suppressed to be half of his usual self. It wouldn't have surprised him if this illusion was just another trap that was slowly driving him towards death.

"I don't know who you are but I need to get free. Help me.", Regis demanded.

The man names Ulez nodded.

"Just a moment.", he clapped into his hands.

Suddenly, the spikes shot back, disappearing into the ground as if they had never existed in the first place. The pain was so sharp and so sudden, that Regis had to bite his lips in order not to scream.

Huffing and puffing, he jumped up and crawled back to solid ground. At least so he thought.

"Thanks.", he said, breathing heavily while blood was pouring out of his arms and legs.

"You're welcome. Now, would you be kind enough to follow me?"

"Absolutely not."

"Fine. I'll do it myself."

Again, the illusion clapped. And suddenly a field of magic surrounded Regis, making it impossible to move.

"What-?!", he cursed but it was already too late.

A portal opened and he was thrown right through it.

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