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The riddle happened to be a lot harder than Regis had expected it to be. Sure, he had tried it many times before but now that he was doing it with a lot more seriousness and less out of fun, it turned out to be a pain in the ass.

There was a stone plate, hanging on the wall right between the two biggest statutes. A poem had been written on it but hardly made any sense. Regis loved poems and was quite good in finding the hidden meanings in any piece of literature. But this one did not make any sense at all.

There were words, butterfly, rat, cat and turtle. Meanwhile, the pictures that covered the plate were neither of those animals.

The statures also had other shapes. One was a woman, holding a basket full of flowers. Another stature was a man holding a child. The third and fourth statues seemed to be twins, but he wasn't quite sure. One of them was a little taller and seemed to be older.

Maybe they were mother and daughter. The last statue, the one of a very, very old man, was hidden so deep inside the shadows that he had almost not noticed it.

Or maybe it had not been there before?

It had been more than just once that Regis had noticed changes in this cave. Walls had moved, forming new passages and rooms. The celling had lowered and risen and even the ponds had been different once. Maybe the statures were like that too. Maybe there were more then just the five ones that he was examining currently.

"By the gods.", he sighed and dropped the notebook, in which he had scribbled his ideas and possible answers.

"Exhausting, huh?", you asked with a smile.

The will to live had left you hours ago. Time seemed to be endless in this cave, nothing changed, nothing happened. But your body was starting to feel the time that had passed. You were exhausted, tiredness was crawling through your bones. So, you had rested in the foot of one of the statures and let Regis have all the fun.

Now, he seemed to be just as frustrated as you felt yourself.

With a short laugh, he turned to you, nodded and let himself fell next to you. His body it the ground with a soft thud, causing the dust and sand, that was covering the floor, to jump up in the air.

As it filled your nose and lungs, you had to cough violently, which made him laugh even more.

"You're a monster!", you laughed while coughing even more.

"That's the nicest thing somebody has ever called me.", he answered playfully and let his head fall onto the soft pillow.

Orianna had forced it onto him, as she had noticed what his plans were. She had also forced him to take two blankets with him, a bag full of foot and some other necessities.

Actually, he had planned to leave her out of everything. It would have been for the better. But she was his friend and knew him like no other. She had realised far too quickly that Regis wanted to run after you, as he had realised that the cave of the eldest was the only place you could have chosen to go to.

Now, Regis was quite happy that Orianna had demanded that he would take all of this stuff with him. It wasn't as much as he had in his cave, but it was enough to make a decent spit to rest, with a soft and cozy underground, pillows and blankets that would keep you two warm in this room of darkness.

Only a little flame was burning, now that you had set up a fireplace to cook some food on. You were starving but the soup was taking hours to heat up.

The warm light of the fire was nice. It threw a calm shine on Regis face, just enough to see the contours and sharp edges of his cheekbones and chin. He was really a handsome man.

Immediately, you turned red by the thought of it.

What was going on with you?

This was the second or third time now that you were thinking about things like this.

"(Y/N)?", he way he said your name made your heart jump.

"Yes?", you turned to him, trying not to be too obvious.

"Are you all right? You seem a little distracted recently. You're not getting sick, are you? I feared you are not immune to human sicknesses. Hopefully it's not the flue.", with a concerned look on his face, he reached out.

With the most gentle touch you had ever felt in your entire life, he pressed the palm of his hand onto your forehead and waited for a moment. His dark eyes were staring into yours. He did not blink, nor did he look away. It was as if he wanted to see you, your eyes, for as longs as he could.

Then, he smiled. It was such a perfect smile, broad and filled with happiness. His lips even parted, revealing two rows of sharp vampire teeth.

He couldn't remember the last time in his long life when he had smiled like that.

"I'm not good with human medicine but you feel quite cold.", he said in a lowered, calm voice. "Come here. I shall warm you."

Without hesitation, he grabbed you and pulled you closer to him. His arms locked around you and before you even noticed, your face was pressing against his narrow but muscular chest.

The sound of his heartbeat against your ear was like the song of a loved one.

His scent filled your nose. He smelled like a forest on a rainy day and dried herbs.

Immediately, heat shot through your body, filling your cheeks. But you did not turn away. Nor did you ask him to give you some space. No, you wanted this. You even enjoyed it. Maybe even a little too much.

However, a gentle smile appeared in your lips, as he pressed you to his chest, stroking through the (H/C) locks of your hair. His touch was like the kiss of the wind, like a breath that tickled you before it vanished forever.

This was heaven.

And he was an angel.

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now