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You were gasping in the air while your legs were stomping helplessly, looking for solid ground. Long, sharp fingernails drilled into the soft skin of your neck, causing a burning pain that drove tears to your eyes.

The feeling of blood dripped down your skin. The eldest held your throat with a merciless grip, it was as if he wanted to strangle you on the spot.

But something was holding him back. With curiosity and disgust, his glowing eyes wandered over your body, as if he could find something to take away his insecurity. He was looking for a reason to kill you. He tried to kill you.

But the vampire's supreme commandment was not to kill another higher vampire. And he too had to submit to this law, as the most powerful and eldest.

"What are you seeking here?", his voice was like a scratch in the ears, painful and unpleasant.

Obviously, he didn't speak often, because he frowned and closed his mouth again.

"Help!", gasped immediately. "I seek help."

"I do not help. It was mistake to come here.", his claws scratched over your collarbone, causing an unpleasant feeling that send cold shivers of fear down your spine.

"I did not come to bother you! Please, hear me out. You can kill me anytime after."

He paused briefly, seemed to be thinking. Then suddenly his grip opened. With a loud cry of surprise, you fell to the ground, landing so hard on your back that the air was squeezed out of your lungs.

For a moment, you had to lie down, the pain tied you to the floor. Then, finally, you could rub your neck to get rid of the feeling of sore flesh.

"Speak fast and speak clearly. Not everyone deserves my time.", the eldest walked around you with watchful eyes.

His sheer presence felt threatening. He was like an animal waiting for his prey. At any moment, he could have jumped forward to tear you to pieces.

"Forgive me for intruding.", you started with caution. "I remembered something and I was told this cave would match the memories."

"Who says that?"

"Her name is Teriana.", the words left your mouth as if they were the truth.

But it was a lie. Actually, it had been Regis who had told you about it. He had mentioned, that you had been found in this very cave. But it would have been insane to say his name. It would have been dangerous and danger was nothing you wished upon the kind vampire.

By the sound of Teriana's name, the eldest frowned in surprise, stopped in his track and tilted his head. For a moment, he just stood there in silence, until a sound escaped his lips.

He approved.

"I sense no lie in your words. Go on.", he demanded.

"I wanted to explore the place where I had been found. I wanted to check for myself, I wanted to see if there were hints or anything that could be of worth to me.", you continued without a single doubt on your mind. "I have to see it for myself."

He did not question that. In fact, he only ever questioned one thing.

"Where is the man that promised his life in case if your failure?", he asked.

"I didn't tell him about this. I wanted him to be free from consequences. If I fail here today, please spare Regis. He is a good man."

"I do not care for good men. I care for men who hold their word. He is supposed to be by your side, all the time. He must pay for his carelessness."

"No!", you jumped up, making the eldest twitch out of reflex. "I snug away! He doesn't even know that I'm gone, this has nothing to do with him. Please, if you want to punish someone it should be me."

"I will. But him first. He broke his promise. A vampire never breaks his promise."

"Then let me promise you that he did not break his promise. I swear by my name and blood that Regis did nothing wrong. Just give me a few hours in the cave. After that, I will take any punishment you want. I swear. But please... spare Regis."

Those words were honey to his old ears. The hate, that was growing bigger in his chest day after day, made him decide without thinking. Too good was the sweet taste of revenge and possible pain, he would have been able to cause you.

"One day.", he whispered with a strange grin on his face. "One day and after that, you return to me. I will decide then, what to do with you. But trust me, creature, it won't be a happy reunion that we will have. And if you try to fool me, I will seek for the vampire that you try to protect so eagerly. I will kill him first. And you will be responsible for it."

Thickly, you swallowed. The thought of Regis dying, while cursing your name with his last breath, was equally painful as it was frightening. You hated that thought. But it might could have been reality one day.

But even though the price seemed high, too high, you agreed. Too painful was the curiosity and the desire, that was beating inside your chest. You wanted to see what was down there. You had to know.

As you stepped through the entrance, the feeling inside of you grew. It was like a call, that lured you further down, deeper into the most flesh of the cave. You almost began to run, as the call seemed to reach your ears. The desire to see everything for yourself, with your own eyes, was like a knife that pressed against your spine, telling you to go faster.

Time was running. Every second was like precious gold, slipping beneath your fingers. Every form of doubt, every hesitation would have been a waste.

There was no time to loose.

The cave was calling for you.

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