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The anger inside you changed to confusion.

"What are you saying?", hesitantly, you eyed him up and down.

He was lying. He must have been.

But the sad smile on his face and the way he avoided eye contact told you the truth. He was involved. And he was ashamed about it.

"But... why did you take me in?", your voice was shaking. "Why did you care for me if you knew what I was? Why didn't you tell the eldest about me? Everything could have ended right then and there."

Tears filled your eyes, you were shaking as if it was the deepest of winters. Not even the white frost could have made you shake like that. There was only anger and pain.


This question had followed you ever since you've awoken that very day. It had caused pain like nothing else, not to know what you were, who you were. Everything seemed like a lie in that moment. Everything, even Regis.

What a bitter sweet lie he was.

He smiled even sadder, as he wanted to step forward to wipe away the tears, that were slowly dripping down your cheeks. But you Ergusses to let him touch you and wiped them away yourself.

"Oh, please don't look at me like this.", he begged. "I know this sounds terrible but I assure you I do not know more than you do yourself, (Y/N). I couldn't have told the eldest anything of worth. I knew so little about you. But... it is true that I knew about you before any other. Well, at least earlier than other vampires. The only man that knows you better than I do is the one that created you."

"Created me?! So your telling me I was made? Like a goddamn experiment?"

"I fear so. Forgive me for not telling you earlier."

"No, Regis! I can't forgive anything. I need to know what is wrong with me, I need to know what I am besides a crossbreed. I want to know who made me and why."

A gentle smile grew on his face, as he stroked your cheeks as carful as possible. It felt good to be touched like that, so full of love and honesty.

"You're just fine. Everything is all right with you.", he whispered and breathed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "There is nothing that you need to find out about you. You're so much more than just a crossbreed."

Now, the walls came crumbling down. Sobbing, you pressed yourself against him and buried your face on his chest. Salty tears were flowing like rivers, causing you eyes to become red and sore.

"But I don't want to die!", you cried out. "I don't want you to die, Regis! The eldest will kill us, if we don't find out. I don't want to be responsible for your death!"

A soft laugh made his chest vibrate.

"Hush, hush. We won't die. As long as we are down here, there will be no harm that could reach us. The magic of this place is powerful. Even more powerful than the eldest.", his hands stroked through the locks of your (H/C) hair, as he tried to comfort you.

"Wa-what do you mean?", you asked, still sobbing.

"I mean it the way I say it, little poppy. The eldest is a guest that is not welcome here. The spell, that protects this cave will never let him pass. He won be able to reach us now. He never will be."

"We are safe?"

"For now. And as long as we are here, time is unlimited. We can take as much time as we need to discover every single secret of this cave. Every secret about you. I'll be here. By your side."

"Promise me.", you bit your lips.

Again, he laughed softly and pressed you closer to his chest. The slow sound of his heartbeat was like a song.

"I promise.", he smiled.

It surprised you over and over again how much patience Regis had. He waited until the tears had dried, did not ask a single question or pressured you to get going. It truly felt like he had all the time in the world. And he was willing to spend every second of it on you.

Finally, you managed to let him go, smiled equally embarrassed and thankful and turned to look at the statures.

"So?", you looked at Regis again. "What's with the riddle?"

He blushed in shame, rubbing the back of his head.

"I must admit I don't know. I've never managed to crack it.", he said.

"Then... how do you know so much about me? And this cave."

"Because the lab was moving."

Struck by confusion, you just stared at him with big eyes.

"The what?", you asked, thinking you've heard wrong.

He chuckled amused, lowered his gaze and looked at the mosaic that was decorating the stone floor.

"I'm sorry, maybe I should explain from the beginning.", he took a seat on the floor, patting the spot next to him, so you would sit. "This cave is filled with magic because there once has been a portal. You know about the sphere conjunction?"

You shook your head.

"Well then let me explain. Once the world of humans was a simple one, without magic nor beings like us. Then, the planets of this universe aligned and portals were opened. The creatures of each world began to travel and broad magic into this world. Some creatures came here against their will. Anyways, the conjunction ended and the portals closed, trapping everybody who was not from this world. The portal to the world of vampires was here, at the exact spot where the eldest is living. That's why he's living in this cave. He wishes to return home but can't. Anyways, because of the portal, there is still a lot of leftover magic in these walls. And it's constantly affected by it. This is the reason why certain things change their position when resting too long in the cave. And this is why the eldest cannot come down here. The magic doesn't want him to come to this place."

"But... that would mean that besides us, somebody has managed to come here. Who would be able to do so?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. Not yet."

Emiel Regis x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now