The long walk (to the informary)

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"Ok," Nico said to Will, "I'm back."
"Good!" Will grinned as he grabbed Nico's shoulder and spun him towards the big house. Nico tried to shrug him off but Will kept his arm tight.
"So, what were you talking to Percy about?" Will asked, wiggling his eyebrows, like he already knew.
"Uh.. Nothing..." Nico muttered.
"Really? It didn't look like nothing. Percy's face when left was priceless!"
"It's none of your business, Solace.", Nico murmered looking away.
"Alright..." Will said, knowing that if he pushed more Nico would close up and he'd never find out anything. After that they walked in an awkward silence.
"You wanna know something Nico?" Will asked.
"Not really, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway."
"You are the boniest person I have EVER met," Will said, throughing him hands up when he said 'ever'.
"Your not the most plush yourself, Will!" Nico joked, while jabbing Will in the side with his elbow.
"Hey now! This is all mussle!" Will flexed. Nico laughed, which felt weird to him, he didn't laugh often or at least he hadn't been recently.
"Gods, Solace! If the whole weekend is going to be like this then I might have to almost die more often!" Nico smiled.
"What? You like what you see?", Will said flexing some more.
"What exactly am I supposed to be seeing? 'Cause all I see is flab," Nico laughed some more, even though he really did, who wouldn't like to see Will Solace flexing.
"That hurts, Nico. Right here," Will motioned to his heart then laid his arm across Nico's shoulder again, "Now hurry up! You're so slow!"
"Yeah, well maybe if your fat arm wasn't across my shoulder, I could go faster!" Nico said sarcastically.
"Whatever, Deathboy!"
"Don't call me that!" Nico replied, getting defensive again.
"Ok! Ok!", Will said in mock surrender.
"Whatever, Solace! Just get your arm off me!"

Solangelo - PJ and HoO story - Percy Jackson FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora