Lets go swimming

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Will came in when the sun rose to wake Nico up. Which he knew Nico wouldn't be happy about but Nico needed to have a normal sleep schedule and needed to get used to waking up with everyone else, and eating breakfast. When he walked in though Nico was awake.
Nico looked over at him, "Hey."
"Uh... Hi. Have you been up all night?", Will asked, wondering if that was normal or not.
"Er... Ya... at least since my nightmare.", Nico said continuing to draw.
"Ok. Well do you want to go get breakfast?", Will asked.
Nico smiled, "Sure, why not." He put down his sketch book and climbed out of bed and slipped on his boots which were thankfully still here from yesterday. He had slept in his jeans and t-shirt because he was too lazy to go back to his cabin and get pajamas.
The boys left the infirmary and went to the dinning pavilion. They grabbed plates and food, putting part of it in the fire. They went down to the lake because breakfast wasn't as formal and you didn't have to eat with your cabins. They sat in an empty canoe on the beach, eating bacon and eggs and laughing about nothing in particular. Both boys had gotten over the awkward event from last night, and decided if they weren't going to date then they might as well be friends.
"You know something?", Will said.
"Huh?", Nico grunted with his mouth full of bacon.
Will laughed, "We should take this canoe out." "Uh... Only if you row!", Nico grinned at him. "Ok! Go get your bathing suit and meet me back here.", Will said and stood up.
"Um. No! I said we could take the canoe out, not go swimming.", Nico replied.
"Oh come on! Please Nico!", Will pleaded.
"No! You can swim but I'm not.", Nico said.
Will sighed, "Fine! I'll be back in five minutes, in my bathing suit to swim!"
"Ok you do that! I'll be here."
"Give me your plate. I'll take it back.", Will smiled, and grabbed Nico's plate.
Will ran up the hill and put the plates away while Nico lounged in the canoe and watched him. Will quickly returned wearing nothing but blue swim trunks with yellow suns, and flip-flops. Nico looked at Will, his eyes looking over Wills tan body. Will had abs and looked perfect. Nico was so happy he hadn't put his bathing suit on, he didn't look nearly as good as Will. Will ran down the hill and pushed the canoe into the water, making Nico fall off the wooden slat he was sitting on. Will started laughing and jumped in the canoe. He grabbed the paddles and started paddling them out. When they were pretty far out Will put the paddles back in the boat.
He looked at Nico and smiled. Nico smiled back.
"So what now?", Nico asked.
"We could swim.", Will said.
"More like, you can swim.", Nico replied. He wasn't a strong swimmer anyway and who knew what weird things were in this water.
"You know you want to!", Will teased.
"Mmm... No actually I don't."
"Please?", Will asked.
"Fine! Then I'll swim by myself.", Will said standing up, which made the boat rock. Nico tensed and grabbed the sides. Will got a mischievous grin on his face.
"Will Solace, I swear to Hades if you flip this boat!"
"You'll do what, Death Boy?", Will's grin got bigger as he started rocking the boat even more. "Will!" Nico shrieked as the boat tipped spilling both him and Will out of it. Nico came up gasping. He grabbed on to the side of the canoe that had almost capsized.
Will smiled at him, "Having fun yet?", Will asked.
Nico splashed him, "No! I am to having fun! You tipped over my boat!"
"I knew you wanted to swim you just wouldn't admit it!", Will laughed as Nico splashed him again.
"Now come on! Take you jacket off and swim a little!", Will swam around to prove his point. Nico climbed into the canoe which took a minute because Nico had never climbed into a canoe, much less fallen out of one.
"I will not take off my jacket and I will not swim.", Nico said sitting in the boat.
Will splashed him. "Will Solace! Take me back this instant!", Nico demanded.
"I swear Solace."
"If you want to go back then you'll have to go by yourself."
"Ok. I will!", Nico said defiantly and grabbed one of the paddles.
"Nico!", Will complained, "Don't be like that! Please come swim!"
"Well sense you said Please...", Nico said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, and started to get up.
"Really?!", Will asked excitedly. "No!", Nico exclaimed sitting back down.
"Pweaseeee?", Will laid his head on the side of the boat.
"Fine!", Nico said grumpily, and took off his jacket, being careful not to let Will see the scars that covered the inside of his wrists. He stood up and jumped into the water holding his nose. A wave of water went over Will and when Nico came up he started laughing. Wills hair was sticking up in multiple directions, and Nico's hair was slicked back so you could actually see his forehead, which made Will start laughing. The boys swam around and then got into a splashing war. By the time they were done, they were both leaning over the side of the boat, completely exhausted. They both climbed back in. They sat in between the wooden slats and smiled at each other. They sat in silence for a few minutes and then Will looked over and realized Nico was asleep. Will looked at the other boy, who was still soaked from the lake and got up. He started paddling back to shore. When he got there he pulled the canoe under a tree so that Nico wouldn't get sun burnt, and then grabbed Nico's shoes from where he had left them on the beach. Will sat next to Nico, a slat over and then realized how tired he was. He stared up into the tree and then fell asleep alongside his friend.

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