Who invited the Stolls?

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Leo looked around the room threateningly while Nico prayed he wouldn't get picked. Just as Leo was about to say something, Connor and Travis Stoll walked in.
"Hey. We heard Leo was back and wanted to come see for ourselves.", Travis announced loudly.
"Oooo! What are you guys doing?", Connor asked.
"Uh.. We are playing Truth or Dare.", Percy said.
"Cool! Can we play?", Travis asked, extremely enthusiastically. Sometimes everyone forgot they were nearly 18, (well one of them, they were a year apart though he could never remember which one was older) they acted more like they were 10. Nico looked the boys over, they were attractive but not Will attractive. Wait.. Where did that come from? Nico grimaced, why had he thought that? ... He so did NOT have a crush on Will Solace. Liking Will hadn't even come into his mind before, and it certainly wasn't going to affect him now.
"Sure, whatever.", Annabeth sighed from the corner.
"Sweet!", Connor grinned excitedly. Both the boys ran over and jumped on one of the bunks.
"As I was saying! Annabeth! Truth or Dare?", Leo asked.
"Truth," Annabeth said.
"Damn it! I don't have a good one of those!", Leo sighed.
He looked over at Calypso, who shrugged, "I don't know! I've been marooned on an island for the last three thousand years!"
"True...", Leo thought for a second, "Would you date me?", Leo asked all serious.
"NO!", Annabeth shrieked, as everyone booed and threw pillows at Leo.
"What? It was a legit question!", Leo said swatting at the pillows that were still flying at him and Calypso. Calypso smacked Leo on the arm. "Sorry, Sunshine! But I didn't know what to ask.", Leo smiled and kissed Calypso. She gave him a dirty look but then smiled.
"Leo!", Annabeth said, "You are terrible at this game!"
"So? At least I came up with a question!", Leo grinned at Annabeth.
"Well... I guess it's my turn now!", Annabeth shrugged.

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