Sitting in a room

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Nico and Will walked through the door of the infirmary, which was pretty busy with the war that had just happened.
"Will are you sure you guys need to waste a bed on me? I can just hang out in my room for the next couple of days.", Nico asked looking around at all the people.
"You are in as serious of a condition as any of these people. You could disappear at any second!", Will exclaimed.
"Don't be over dramatic. I'm fine!", Nico said defensively.
"No! You are not!", Will said, his voice very stern like he was talking to a child.
Will lead Nico to one of the back rooms that they weren't using, and told him to sit on the bed. Nico sniffed the air, "Gods! It smells so clean in here!".
"Ya! Don't you love it?", Will said taking a deep breath.
"No. It smells like the dentists.", Nico coughed, trying to be over dramatic.
"Well, you better get used to it! You're going to be in here for the next three days.", Will said, all smiley, "Now", Will turned around holding a needle, "I have to take some blood so sit still!"
"Oh my GODS NO!", Nico shouted, and jumped up.
"Oh come on Nico! I need to!"
"No! You don't!", Nico backed up towards the door, "I swear if you don't put that needle away, I'll disappear and never come back."
"Fine!", Will put the needle down, "At least let me take your blood pressure!"
"Ok. Do whatever, just no needles! EVER!", Nico said, obviously rattled.
Nico sat back down and Will took his blood pressure, and did a bunch of other doctor-y stuff that didn't involve needles.
"Ok. I'm done! I'll be back in a little bit to check on you. Here's a book.", Will said handing him a fat, green book.
"What in Hades is this? 'The Secret Garden?' What do you think I am? A ten year old girl?", Nico asked, completely pissed off.
"Well.... You're about the same height as one...", Will joked.
"Solace! I will hurt you!", Nico said, standing up and trying to be threatening even though he was only up to Will nose.
"Sit back down Deathboy!", Will practically commanded.
"Just leave and don't come back unless you have some better reading materials!", Nico flopped onto the bed as he said this, and popped off his combat boots, "And DON'T call me Deathboy!"
"Alright whatever Nico! But I'm going to leave this here in case you get bored.", Will said placing the fat book on the nightstand next to Nico's bed.
After Will had been gone for about twenty minutes, or at least what Nico thought was twenty minutes, he started to get bored, like bang your head against the wall bored. "Gods!", Nico muttered, as he picked up 'The Secret Garden' and began to read. Though at about four pages in his eyes drooped and he slowly fell asleep.


                                Will wondered into Nico's room a couple hours later, and saw Nico sprawled out with the book perched on his stomach. Will laughed, and picked up the book, "And he said he didn't want to read it.", he whispered. Will grabbed a blanket from the end of the bed and laid it over Nico. He looked at the younger boys face and smiled, he looked so peaceful when he slept, almost like he was dead. "Crap...", Will muttered, slightly panicking, was he dead? No.. he can't be... Will clumsily grabbed Nico's wrist and tried to feel for a pulse. He waited, and then ever so faintly he felt it. "Holy Hades!", Will said as he sighed out of relief. "Nico!", Will shook him awake.Nico shrieked as he fell off the other side of the bed.
"Oh my gods! Nico are you ok?", Will asked, running around to the other side of the bed.
"What the hell Solace?! Couldn't you tell I was sleeping?", Nico asked, as he angrily tried to untangle himself from the blanket Will had placed on him a couple minutes earlier.
"You just looked so dead! And I wanted to make sure you were ok!", Will said still highly concerned about Nico.
"Will! You want to know where the term 'sleeping like the dead' came from? Children of Hades because we literally look like we are dead when we sleep! And trust me, we can sleep for almost 48 hours straight!", Nico practically shouted.
"I'm sorry! I wouldn't know! There aren't many children of Hades running around these days!", Will stammered.
"Whatever Will! Just don't wake me up when I'm sleeping!", Nico replied pissed off.
"Ok! I'll try not to!" Nico climbed back into bed.
"Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go back to sleep!"
"You need to eat dinner.", Will said.
"No. I need rest. Food was not part of the deal. If I want food I will get food. Got that Solace?", Nico exclaimed.
"Alright fine!", Will said throwing his hands up in frustration, and then stomping out of the room, as Nico quickly fell back asleep.

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