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"They've been down there for a long time.", Calypso said.
"Oh they're fine. I stuck these bubble things around their heads so they won't die.", Percy smiled, very proud of his hard work.
Nico and Will's heads came up and they both swam over to the dock. Nico had plastered a frown on his face but Will was glowing, like literally glowing from their kiss. He had started doing that when they kissed but neither of them had noticed until now. He skin was slightly yellow and was glowing so bright he looked like the sun.
"Gods! Will you are legit glowing right know!", Percy said, and just made Will glow brighter.
The boys climbed out sopping wet. Nico kept frowning though he was finding it increasingly hard because Will was glowing so brightly making him want to laugh. The only thought going through Will's mind was -Oh my GODS! I kissed Nico Di Angelo! – Over and over again. He kept smiling because there was no way he could stop, he was just too happy. Will could feel Nico's eyes urging him to calm down but how could he? He was happy, extremely happy, so happy he could explode.
"Well I'm going to go shower because Will threw me in the lake.", Nico frowned at Will, though he was seriously happy, and walked up towards his cabin.
Will caught up with him, "So do you want to hang out later?", Will asked still glowing.
"Obviously, Sunshine. We are dating now.", Nico smiled. Will glowed even brighter, which Nico didn't think was possible but apparently it was.
"Good because I don't kiss people I'm not dating.", Will smiled and leaned into Nico.
"And I don't kiss people in public.", Nico warned, and put his hand on Will's chest.
"Fine. I'll come over after I take a shower, and I'll get your blanket cleaned.", Will grinned, and walked away towards the Apollo cabin. Nico opened his door and sighed. He had a boyfriend.... HE HAD A BOYFRIEND! Nico let out a big whoop and went to take a shower.


Will knocked on Nico's door. Nico gabbed his shirt and pulled him in, making sure he closed the door behind him. Nico pushed Will into the door and kissed him roughly. Will wrapped his arms around the shorter boy's neck as they kissed. Nico pulled back and both of them stood staring at the other, breathing heavily and smiling so wide their faces hurt.
"What do you want to do now?", Will asked, glowing.
"Just hang out with my boyfriend.", Nico smiled and looked at Will, who lit up the dark cabin with his glowing skin.
"That's good, because all this kissing and swimming and gaining a boyfriend has made me tired.", Will joked and pulled Nico over to his bed. Will sat with his back in the corner and Nico grabbed his sketch pad and stared at it, not knowing what to draw. He leaned back into Will. Then he smiled and started to draw. He drew Will's face when they first kissed underwater, and all the fish in the background, and every other detail he could remember trying to make the picture perfect.
Will watched him as he drew, and wondered how Nico could be so different from him and yet so perfect for him. Nico was amazing. He was sarcastic and funny, and he always kept things interesting. Will kissed the top of Nico's head. Nico looked up at him and smiled. Will was his Sunshine, his only Sunshine. There was no one better for him. No one who could chase the darkness away quite as well as the glowing son of Apollo. They smiled happily at each other, and Will watched as Nico finished the drawing. He saw his own face, eyes opened wide as he kissed Nico.
"Nico. Can I have that picture when you're done with it?", Will asked, whispering by the other boy's ear.
"Of course Sunshine.", Nico smiled wide as he said that.
Will wrapped his arms around Nico and hugged him. He was happy he had Nico, even though Nico had only been his for a couple hours. Nico sighed, a happy sigh. He was happy, like really happy for the first time in years. He felt something, something good, something that wasn't pain. He hadn't really felt anything since Bianca had died but Will made him feel wanted. Needed. That was a good feeling. Will made him feel important, even when they were both just sitting there.

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