Pitch Perfect

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                Will (thankfully) did not give Nico a hickie, and somehow in between making out and Will's karaoke attempts they finally managed to clean up. They took down the banner and other decorations and Will finished eating the cake, which made him complain about his stomach hurting again because there was still a ton left.
"Stop complaining and help me move this dumb karaoke machine.", Nico said as he tried to life the machine.
"Nooooo! You should keep it! I can serenade you and it'll be wonderful!"
"Will, you've 'serenaded' me like ten times, now help me get rid of it!", Nico frowned.
"Alright, fine! But can we move it to my cabin? My siblings would love it!"
"I don't know, it's not even mine."
Will picked up the machine and Nico protested.
"Well let me help!"
"Sorry, Neeky-"
"Don't call me that."
"-Doctors Orders."
Nico sighed and followed Will out of the cabin. Will walked straight across the green and right into his cabin, "Look what I got!", he screamed to the few kids who were in the cabin.
"Da fuck is that?", one of them asked.
"This is a karaoke machine.", Will said proudly.
They gave him a confused look, "Why do we need this?"
"So we can practice and because Nico doesn't know what to do with it."
Nico sighed.
"Ok... Just keep it with your stuff.", one of the girls said.
Will sat it down on his bed and then he and Nico left the cabin.
"I think they liked it.", Will smiled.
"Ya. Just as much as I liked being in a bronze jar for a week.", Nico muttered.
"Nico. Don't be such a sour puss!"
"But William, I enjoy being a sour puss."
Will sighed, "You just love ruining my good moods, don't you?"
Nico shrugged, "What can I say, it is somewhat enjoyable."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Alright fine."
Nico smiled.
"You're mean to me."
"Ya, I honestly have no clue why you like me."
"Because even though you're a dick, you're probably the best boyfriend ever.", Will leaned against the door frame as Nico unlocked his cabin.
Nico laughed, "Will, I'm your first boyfriend, aren't I?"
"Maybe... But that's not important, what's important is that you're the best."
"Whatever, Sunshine.", Nico opened the door and Will followed him inside.
"You have no idea how freaking awesome you are, do you Death Boy?"
"Sunshine, I honestly don't think I'm that great and I really don't get why you'd choose to be around me but you do and I don't mind, well most of the time."
"Ha. Ha. But seriously Nico you need to stop acting like you're so terrible! You're funny and sweet and perfect as hell."
"I am DEATH, I am not SWEET!", Nico practically shrieked.
"But you are! Like sugar and candy and those weird tasting peep things that sometimes turn my mouth yellow!"
Nico gave Will a pissed off look. "I am not sweet! Don't call me sweet! I'm fucking intimidating and awesome! But I am not sweet!"
"Alright Fine, Mr. Fucking Intimidating and Awesome.", Will said and wrapped his arms around Nico from behind.
Nico tried to squirm out of his grasp but Will didn't let go. "Will!"
Nico sighed, "Please let go of me."
"Mmm... Nope.", Will said and wrapped his arms tighter around Nico.
"Will!", Nico whined.
"Oh, stop your whining and just enjoy my wonderful embrace!", Will joked, even though he was totally serious.
"Now, isn't this nice?"
"I suppose...", Nico whispered.
"That's what I thought.", Will said and kissed the top of Nico's head.
"Will you let go now?"
"If we can watch a movie."
"How about Avengers?"
"Nope.", Will wrapped his arms tighter.
"What then? Do you want to watch Mean Girls?", Nico asked.
"Actually, yes."
Nico groaned, "Noooo! Anything but Mean Girls!"
"Fine, Pitch Perfect it is!"
"What's that?"
Will smiled as he let go of Nico.
"Will, you're making me nervous! What is that?"
Will pulled out his laptop and pulled up the movie, "Sit, Death Boy!"
"I am not a dog William!"
"Sit! I wanna watch this damn movie!"
"Fine.", Nico muttered and snuggled up against Will. "You better be happy I like you."
"What? You think I can't take you?"
"I can summon an army of skeleton warriors! You have nothing on me!"
"Boy, you will literally disappear into the darkness if you try any of that Underworldy shit."
Nico pouted, and cuddled up closer to Will, "Fine."
"Don't worry, I won't let that happen to you.", Will said and hugged Nico.
"Good.", Nico whispered.
"I love you, Death Boy."
"I love you too, Sunshine."
Will kissed Nico's forehead, "Now let's watch a movie and not worry about disappearing forever!"

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