Waking up and Ramen

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Nico woke at about two o'clock the next day. He got out of bed, slipped on his boots and grabbed his coat. Just as he was leaving to head to his cabin, Will walked in.
"And where do you think you're going?", Will asked as Nico tried to walk through the door.
"I'm going to get some food, like you wanted me to.", Nico replied indignantly.
"You can't. They aren't serving lunch anymore.", Will said still blocking the door.
"I'm fully aware of that. And who said I was going to get food from there?"
"Where would you get food then?", Will smirked.
"My cabin."
"Your cabin?" Will raised his eyebrow.
"Yes, my cabin! I have a microwave and Ramen! Its not like I'm going to eat barbaque all summer!", Nico said, trying to push past Will.
"Wait! You have Ramen?!", Will asked suddenly excited.


"How in Hades did you convince me to make you Ramen, Solace?", Nico asked as he stuck another packed in the microwave.
"Honestly? I have no idea.", Will said, lounging in one of the coffins.
Nico added the flavor pack to his food, "Of course you don't", he muttered.
Will looked around the room, gods, people really did think children of Hades were Vampires. Everything in the room was black, gray, or red (including Nico). But to be honest Will was more confused about how Nico had convinced them to put a full kitchen in his cabin.
Nico sat at the small table in the room and started slurping his noodles. Will looked over at him, with his long, dark hair, and aviator jacket. Will sighed, Nico was kinda handsome, an odd thought coming from him, he was only slightly gay or at least he told himself he was. He flopped his head on the table, you are heterosexual you dumbass, stop thinking Nico's cute..
"Why are you sighing, Will? Your food only has another minute.", Nico said, looking up at Will.
"Huh?", Will replied, getting pulled out of his day dream.
"Never mind.", Nico murmured and went back to his food.
The microwave beeped. Will jumped up, grabbed his food, and dumped in the flavor packet. Quickly he mixed it up and started shoveling the delicious noodles in his mouth.
"Gods, Will! Slow down, or you're going to barf later. And let me tell you, Ramen does not taste as good coming back up as it does going down...", Nico told Will, who stopped shoveling the food in his mouth. Nico shuddered remembering every time he had barfed up noodles.
"But it's so good!", Will tried to say, but his mouth was full of noodles so it came put more as, "Bu-ish-soooo-goooooshshhh!"
"Just sit down. Your getting noodle juice all over the counter.", Nico complained.
"Oops.. Sorry.", Will said sitting down across from Nico at the little table.
"You act like you haven't eaten Ramen in forever.", Nico joked.
"I haven't.", Will replied and then shoved some more noodles into his mouth.
"Hold up! How long has it been since you last had Ramen?", Nico asked, surprised.
"At least two years, I'm a year round camper and since outside foods not allowed... Plus whenever I go home for Christmas my mom makes food for like every meal.", Will said.
"Couldn't you have.. I don't know... Asked the Stolls to get you some?", Nico replied, confused as to why Will hadn't done so.
"I could have but they charge mortal money to pay for it and drachmas!", Will said, eying Nico's noodles because he had just finished his. Nico drank the rest of the juice out of his bowl and then finished his noodles. He stood up and grabbed Wills bowl, which he stacked in his own, and then placed them in the sink.
"So what now?", Nico asked Will.
"Now, you need to go back to the infirmary.", Will said and stood up.
"Fine... Just let me grab some stuff to do.", Nico replied, as he went over to his bed and grabbed his sketch pad, pencils, and IPod, yes, just an iPod, the ones that only play music and you have to scroll with the little pad to select things.
"Ooo! Whats that?", Will asked as he snatched Nico's sketch pad.
"That", Nico said as he grabbed it back, "is mine!"
"Alright!", Will exclaimed, way to perkily, as he opened the door and pushed Nico out into the sun.
"Gods, Solace! Its way too bright out here!", Nico whined.
"No! It was just dark in there!", Will smiled, and stood in front of the lowering sun so it seemed like he was glowing. Will was so annoying to Nico and yet oddly appealing. Nico frowned, what was with this guy? Nico backed up into the closed door, as he looked at Wills shinning face. Why was this idiot so fascinating?
"Come on, Solace", Nico said.
"Ok!", Will grinned, and stuck his arm around Nico to lead him back to the infirmary.

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