Sleepy time

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Nico sat on his floor staring blankly at his sketch pad. He didn't want to draw. He didn't want to do anything actually, he just wanted to sleep, but he knew sleep wouldn't come easily. He was overwhelmed. There were too many people, and way too many emotions bottled up inside him. He sighed and laid down on the floor like a starfish. Gods.. What am I going to do?, he thought.
He didn't understand people, he didn't like people much so he didn't care about if he understood them but Will, he was different. Nico wanted to understand Will, he wanted to know what was going on in that head of his. His beautiful, beautiful head. Nico started thinking about Will face, his freckles, the ones that weren't really there unless you looked hard, his eyes, his smile, how his blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight... Would Will come looking for him? He hadn't yet, so Nico didn't think so but he could hope... Nico pulled his blanket off his bed and curled up in the pile of pillows he had been laying on. Maybe someday, Nico smiled, we'll be more than whatever this is...


"Hey Nico.", Will tapped Nico in the side with his foot.
"Huh?", Nico groaned being thrown out of his pleasant dream and straight into reality.
"Come on. Let's go practice archery.", Will smiled, his teeth so bright he practically blinded Nico.
"What time is it? Because my clock says sleepy time.", Nico said quietly and then yawned.
"It's nine o'clock. Get up.", Will poked him again with his foot.
"Nope. It's sleepy time...", Nico smiled and then rolled over.
"Nico, I will pick you up and drag you out of this cabin."
"Ok, Solace. That's nice.", Nico mumbled half asleep.
"Alright, well you're asking for it.", Will said, and then picked Nico up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"What the hell, Sunshine?", Nico asked, pissed off but still not fully awake.
"You need to get up."
"No. My watch says otherwise. It says, SLEEPY TIME.", Nico whined.
"No. It's Nico wake the fuck up time.", Will said. Nico woke up all the way when Will opened the door, and the sun went straight in his eyes.
"Will Solace! PUT ME DOWN.", Nico said.
"Nope.", Will said and kept walking. "THIS IS NOT DIGNIFIED. I AM DEATH! YOU CANNOT CONTROL ME.", Nico shouted and started pounding on Will's back.
"Ok. Nico I'll put you down in just a second.", Will smiled and walked a bit faster. People were watching as Will and Nico passed by, some of them giggling at the odd pair. Will kept smiling as Nico pounded on his back.
"PUT ME DOWN, SOLACE!", Nico shouted, and then started speaking Italian, extremely rude Italian to be exact. Will just kept walking towards the dock. Nico started to realize what he was going to do, when he saw the sand.
"SOLACE, DON'T YOU DARE PUT ME IN THE WATER!", Nico shouted in English.
"That's a great idea! I will definitely put you in the water.", Will said and stepped onto the dock.
"PUT ME DOWN!", Nico screeched.
"Put you down? Ok, if you're sure.", Will smiled mischievously, and stopped at the edge of the dock.
"WILL!", Nico screamed as Will slung the younger boy in the water, cutting off his angry scream. The seven (or who was left at camp), and Calypso had followed Nico's angry screams down to the lake, and cheered as Will threw him in. Nico was still wraped in his blanket when he fell in so he untangled himself and threw it up at Will. It landed on the dock at Wills feet. Nico swam over to the dock and grabbed the edge.
"Will help me out.", Nico commanded.
"NO! Don't Will!", Percy shouted as Will grabbed Nico's hand.
Nico pulled on the other boys hand and pulled him into the lake too. Will let out a small shriek as he fell. Nico started laughing at the other boys 'misfortune'. Will gasped as he came up. Nico smiled. Will grabbed his shoulders and pushed him underwater. The boys soon got into a fight, and kept pushing each other under the water.
Finally Percy realized they were probably going to drown (this was at least Percy's logic) if he didn't do something, so he made it so they had bubbles around there heads. The boys looked at each other underwater and laughed, they both had hair that was sticking up at odd angles, and their faces were flushed.
"What's up with the bubbles?", Will asked. "Probably Percy.", Nico smiled.
"Ah, how considerate," Will joked.
The boys sunk to the bottom of the lake, which wasn't that far, but was hard to get to, because the kept floating upwards. They sat on the bottom staring at each other. Nico wasn't mad at Will anymore but he wasn't exactly happy with him either. Will smiled, one that made Nico melt. Will looked at the younger boy and wished he wasn't so thick. He wanted to tell him that they could be something more. He just didn't know how. Nico looked at Will and wanted to know what was going on in his head.
"Will.", Nico tried to say but his voice wasn't working. Will saw Nico's mouth move, he saw him mouth his name. Then he did something stupid, reckless even.
He kissed Nico. Right on the mouth. For a long time.
Nico's eyes widened, and he looked at Will, who was looking at him, both of their eyes wide and amazed. Will pulled away.
"What happened to just being friends?", Nico asked, with a slight smile.
"I'm... I'm sorry...", Will's eyes started filling with tears.
"I never said I didn't like it.", Nico said, and grabbed Will's shirt. He pulled Will towards him. Will smiled, and wrapped his arms around Nico's neck. They kissed for a long time, smiling as they pulled away. It was the second best underwater kiss ever. The best being the first one.
"We're so not telling anyone, right?", Nico smiled.
"Why would we?", Will smiled and kissed him on the cheek. The boys swam up to the surface smiling the whole way.

Solangelo - PJ and HoO story - Percy Jackson FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora