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Will sat down next to Nico, who was sleeping, like actually sleeping, not in a coma. He smiled, it was nice having him back. Will laid down on the other bed in the room and pulled out the notebook of poems he had written while Nico was out. Sadly he had inherited Apollo's poetry skills so all of them were pretty terrible...
Nico woke up, "Hey.", he said his voice ruff.
"Hey, you feeling better babe?", Will asked.
"A little and don't call me 'babe.' It's kind of weird," Nico sighed, though he secretly enjoyed it.
"Fine, Death Boy! I wrote a poem for you!", Will smiled.
"Oh gods... Well, let me hear it.", Nico said and swung his feet over the side of the bed so he was facing Will.
Will got up and sat next to Nico, "Ok. Ok.... It's pretty terrible."
"Will, all of your poems are terrible."
Will smacked him,
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
You're my Death Boy
And I like you."
Nico smiled, "Ok my turn!"
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Is it too early to say,
I love you?"
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
It is never too early to say
I love you.", Will kissed Nico's nose.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Will Solace
I love you.", Nico kissed Will's cheek.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nico Di Angelo
I love you too.", Will kissed Nico straight on the mouth and wrapped his arms around him.
Nico pulled away, "Roses are red
Violets are blue
Poems are hard...
Fuck this...", he said even though there were so many other things he could have that actually rhymed. Like 'Poems are hard.. Just like I'm going to make you...", or something like that. Nico wanted to get back to kissing though, so he didn't worry about rhyming.
Will laughed and started kissing him again. They heard something outside and immediately jumped apart.
Lou Ellen walked in, "Don't stop making out on account of me being here.", she said and started putting stuff in the drawers.
"What?", Will asked.
"You dumb asses! There's a window in the door! Anyone who walks past can see you two idiots making out.", she sighed.
The boys looked over at the little glass panel. "Shit...", Nico said and flopped on his back.
"Don't worry, no one ever comes down this hallway but seriously, think with your brains not your dicks.", Lou Ellen frowned.
"We weren't thinking with our dicks! Dicks don't even have brains, Lou Ellen!", Will said.
Nico sat up and put his hand on Will's shoulder, "William, please stop talking. The more you talk, the more I wonder why I'm dating you."
"But Niiiiico!!! You loooove me!!!", Will said in a baby voice.
"Shhh...", Nico said and stuck his hand over Will's face.
Lou Ellen started to laugh, "You guys are so adorable! Oh my gods! I want to tell everyone but sadly I won't...."
"Thank you. And I'm not 'adorable!' I am death! Death is not adorable!", Nico pouted.
Will licked Nico's hand because it was still on his face.
"Ew! What the hell, Will?!", Nico shrieked and wiped his hand all over Will's shirt.
Will started laughing.
"That is not funny!", Nico smacked him.
"My dear Nico, everything is funny you just have to make it that way.", Will smiled.
"I'm going to leave. All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick.", Lou Ellen said and walked out of the room.
"We're not being 'lovey-dovey', right?", Nico asked Will.
Will shook his head.
"Good!", Nico said. "I really want to kiss you but someone might see us..."
"We can make out in the bathroom."
"Will, I'm not making out with you in the bathroom.", Nico sighed.
"Fine! Be that way.", Will frowned.
"You are so overdramatic."
"No, you're just under-dramatic.", Will pouted.
"Whatever. When can I move back into my cabin?", Nico asked.
"Uh... I don't know, like tomorrow?", Will guesstimated.
Nico made a face. "Can you go get me my sketch pad and all my pencils?", he asked.
"I have them right.....", Will looked under the bed, "Here!" He handed them to Nico.
"You didn't look through them, right?", Nico asked.
"Nooo... Not this time, though I was seriously tempted to.", Will pouted.
"Good.", Nico said and flipped to an empty page.
He began to draw everything he could remember from the past month. From the strawberry field to then. He drew the inside of his head and the piece of plywood and the little toy car and everything. Will's face when he smooshed the strawberry on him, Percy's as they high fived. Everything. The whole time he was drawing Will sat on the other bed and watched him. He didn't talk or say anything about it. Nico had to be going crazy from all of this. After he had woken up Nico had told him about being trapped in his head but he never did tell him quite how he got out, and Will didn't ask. He knew that this had to be super traumatic. Nico drew straight on until the next morning listening to the same song over and over on his IPod, his favorite song, 'How far we've come'.
Will had fallen asleep at about ten o'clock that night but Nico just kept drawing. This was his stress reliever and he had a lot of stress to relieve. Finally at noon the next day, Nico stopped drawing, put away his pencils and fell asleep. He slept until dinner time when Will woke him up and made him eat something. Then he went right back to sleep, even though Will had said he could move back into his cabin. Nico slept straight on till the next day. When he woke up he was slightly dazed and confused until he realized where he was and remembered everything that had happened. Hazel and Reyna came in.
"Hey big brother.", Hazel said. "Reyna and I are leaving today, since you're doing better."
They came over and hugged him.
"Don't do anything stupid.", Reyna whispered in his ear. She knew him so well.
"We promise to call as often as possible.", Hazel said and Reyna nodded.
"I guess I'll see you guys later then?", Nico asked.
"Bye.", the girls said in unison and then left.
Nico sighed. They had treated him like he was fragile. Why did he have to be that way? He had so much crap in his life. He was the gay son of Hades whose mother and sister had died then he ran away from camp, met a crazy ghost who tuned out to be evil, then he started moving from camp to camp trying to fit in even though he knew it was useless and then he fell into Tartarus and that's not even the worse part, after getting out he got captured by those two idiot Giants who stuck him in a jar for like a week and then when he was saved he ran into Eos who decided to make him spill the whole Percy thing to Jason and if that wasn't enough he had to fall in love with the sun of Apollo, and even though he really liked Will like a lot, it didn't matter because he'd just fuck that up too! He fucked everything up!
He wanted to scream but where would that get him? All he could feel right now was hate. For himself, for Will, well not really for Will, he was the best, but for everybody else. He just hated everything and he knew it was stupid and he hated himself for being stupid but he couldn't stop. It was the circle of hate. You hate, you feel stupid, and then you hate some more because you feel stupid. It was a vicious never ending cycle. Finally he got up and grabbed a pair of scissors. He wanted to feel something other than hate, hate hardly felt like anything anymore and he wanted to feel something. Anything was better than nothing. Anything is always better than nothing, and this was the only way to feel something.
He slipped into the bathroom and pulled off his jacket. He opened the scissors and slowly moved them towards his wrist. He hadn't done this since he had met Will and he didn't want to start again but he needed to feel. To feel something. Sometimes when he was with Will he felt a little sliver of hope but now that he was alone all of that hope was gone. Destroyed by the thing that had a hold on his heart.
He tried not to but he did it anyway. He touched the blade to his wrist and moved it across slowly. Blood started to seep out of the wound and he almost smiled, it felt good to feel something, even if that something was pain. He washed off his wrist and held a paper towel on it till the bleeding stopped. Then he slipped his jacket back on and went back into his room.

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