Lets be friends

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When they were in Nico's room Will said, "Nico. I need to talk to you."
Nico stood there awkwardly, "Um... Ok." Nico could feel his heart speed up, was Will going to ask him out? Was he going to reject him? What was he going to say? Will didn't know exactly how to put what he was going to say. How do you tell someone you like them but you just want to be friends because they are to amazing for you to handle? Ok now he was being over dramatic but still. Nico was so amazing Will didn't think he could handle being in a relationship with him, Will would just explode every day because Nico was so perfect, plus he had to be gay to date a dude and he probably wasn't, probably???
"I just... want to be friends.", Will said.
Nico kept a straight face, though he was a little disappointed, "Me too."
"Really? Oh, thank gods. I was worried..." you'd say that... Will thought. He had wanted Nico to tell him that he wanted to be more than friends, he wanted Nico to kiss him but then he realized that Nico would never do that, and he wouldn't ever do that either.
"Um... So I'm going to go now...", Will said, awkwardly, and backed into the door. He turned around and opened it, slipping out into the hallway. He leaned against the other side of the door. What was wrong with him? How could he do that?
And then the realization hit, he did like Nico! He laughed, he liked Nico, a lot. He wanted to be with him, and he wanted Nico to know that but he just... couldn't. Will slid down the door.
Lou Ellen walked by and shook her head, "You told him you just wanted to be friends didn't you?", she asked.
Will nodded sadly.
"Come on lets go get some hot chocolate."
"It's like 90 degrees outside.", Will said.
"We are getting hot chocolate and you are going to like it.", Lou Ellen commanded.
Will stood up, "Fine.", he frowned and followed Lou Ellen out the door.
Nico sat down on the bed when Will left. Why did Nico say he just wanted to be friends? It was obvious to him, he wanted to be more. Whatever, it's fine, he told himself. Nico took his shoes off and slipped under the blanket. His thoughts raced around his head. How could he be so stupid? It was obvious Will just wanted to be friends, had Nico hinted he wanted to be more? Nico's eyes drooped and he fell asleep.
Nico's dreams wandered to Will. He and Will danced again. Then Connor dared Nico to kiss Will, and this time he did. Nico looked at Wills face while they kissed, his eyes were wide. Will pushed Nico back.
"What the hell Nico? What would you do that?", He asked. Nico was frozen, he couldn't say anything or even move.
Will asked him again, "Why did you do that?", he said his eyes disapproving.
"I'm sorry!", Nico tried to say, but nothing happened. The scene disappeared into mist. Bianca appeared in front of him.
"Bianca!", he shouted and tried to run towards her. Something pushed him back every time he got close.
Bianca's eyes filled with tears, "Why did you let me die?", She shouted, "It's all your fault!"
"Bianca!", Nico tried to shout, but nothing came out.
"Why, Nico? How could you?!" Tears streamed down Nico's face. Bianca disappeared.
The scene changed. Percy stood in front of him, "Why did you let me fall into Tartarus?", he asked Nico, "I could have died, and it would have been your fault."
"No!", Nico's mouth moved, but nothing could be heard.
"It's your fault I never liked you! It's your fault Bianca died! How could she want a brother as disappointing as you? I would have killed myself to.", Percy accused. Nico stood there, staring at his hero, who hated him. "You don't deserve to be alive, when she's dead.", Percy said, and pulled out his sword. He moved towards Nico and raised his sword. Nico screamed, as the sword flew towards his neck.
Nico sat up, sweating, screaming.
The door busted open and Will ran in, "Nico are you ok?", he asked.
Nico stopped screaming, and fell back onto his pillow, "Ya. Just had a nightmare."
Will smiled sympathetically, "Want to talk about it? Sometimes that makes it better."
Nico shook his head, "No, I'm ok. I just need a minute." "Ok, well if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.", Will said trying to be a good friend, though he wanted to be more.
"Thanks.", Nico smiled slightly, "I'm going to try and go to bed again."
"Ok. Goodnight Nico.", Will said and backed out the door, closing it behind him. Nico was breathing heavily still. He grabbed his sketch pad from the table and started drawing parts of his nightmare. Wills face as Nico kissed him, Bianca, and Percy with his sword raised, and by the time he was done it was morning.

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